Chapter 29: Chrono Booooost!

Start from the beginning

As they both touched the ground, Dragnis snapped his fingers which caused flames to burst out around them. Chrono raised his arm to his mouth, letting out a small groan as the smell of smoke and ash filled his nose.

Compatibility: 80%

Fire spurted out of the engines on his gauntlets and greaves, propelling him forward again. He swung his fist forward in a similar manner to before, with Dragnis responding by raising his fist to block the blow. The fist flew straight past Dragnis, knocked off-course by the block, and connecting to a wall. The wall shattered and the debris stuck into the dragon's back. This made Dragnis stumble forward and into a gut punch by Chrono.

Dragnis managed to bite back his tongue, grabbing onto Chrono and tossing him over his shoulder and into the flames. A loud crash could be heard from beyond the flames as Chrono pushed himself back to his feet and went to wipe his mouth, completely forgetting about the mask.

Aibo: "The Dragon Zodiac isn't a joke..."

Kibou: "Which is why we need to end this now..."

Kibou and Aibo's thoughts were truly connected as one at this point. They were no longer two seperate people, but one with the goal of helping Humanity. They rose to their feet and Chrono closed the middle portion of his Driver, causing the clock to spin as his suit radiated heat that melted all the surrounding stone, metal, and glass in the area.

(Gears POV)

The Tiger Zodiac brought his claw to his side and swiped it at Gears. The Rider ducked just in time as he spun the Red Gear, causing the crimson color to overtake the green. His grip on his sword was tight, and he put his whole into swinging upward, knocking Tignus' claw toward the sky before spinning around and kicking him square in the stomach.

Tignus skidded back, the ground shaking from the blow and the Tiger letting out a pained laugh. He couldn't remember when was the last time he had this much fun fighting a person, but something put their fight on pause. There was an inexplainable heat wave that blanketed the city, and the pure energy that filled the air caused them both to instinctively back away from the other. It wasn't until a few seconds later that they realized this was coming from the school.

Tignus: "Dragnis..." He whispered, looking toward the sky with wide eyes.

(Paradox's POV)

Paradox slide underneath the lariat performed by the Horse Zodiac, extending her hidden blade and slashing at her ankle in the process. Aquos collapsed to her knee as her muscle gave out, and she began to pant in pain. She swore to Paradox and stumbled back up, stomping down on her sliced foot and giving the Rider the most terrifying look she ever saw.

The two were about to engage once again, but only stopped when they felt a surge of heat wash over them. It was like a tsunami had crashed into the city and threatened to melt them. They both turned toward the school where the source of all of this was coming from, and froze in place.

Aquos: "Is that...?"

(Chrono's POV)

Dragnis: "So you plan on ending this right now, Chrono?" Dragnis took a confident step forward, noticing the amount of  energy building up inside Chrono.

The orange hues on his armor took on a more magma-like appearance, steam rising from his body, and the floor turning bright orange under his boot. The Dragon watched as Chrono charged forward, thinking to himself what is the best course for history. This singular point will change the whole course of life. A smile spread across his face and he decided to let might prove whose future was the correct one.

Chrono jumped high into the air, twisting around and extending his leg. A clock appeared behind him with the edge becoming a ring of fire. An orange laser shot out toward Dragnis, forcing him to extend his hand and create another rune to block the laser. Fire and magma splashed around the contact between the two flames, and then a river of fire spurted from the rune while Chrono kicked down with all his might.

Chrono: "Grand Nova Kick!"

The clock had shot Chrono forward, diving straight into the flames and crashing into the rune. The rune cracked as the Rider made contact, cracking even further as Chrono applied more pressure.

Dragnis: "What are your motivations, Kibou?"

Chrono: "Huh...? Why bring that up now at a moment like this?"

Dragnis: "Just answer my question... Why do you carry the Chrono name? Why do you fight not only myself but the rest of the Zodiacs?"

Chrono: "Is that some kind of trick question? I do this to help save Humans! Because there is a future I need to prevent!"

Dragnis: "And if I told you that I had that very same goal? That I aimed to prevent that same future you were told about?"

Chrono stayed silent, glaring at Dragnis from behind the helmet. The rune protecting the Dragon Zodiac cracked once more, and it wouldn't take too much more pressure to destroy it.

Chrono: "I wouldn't stop... I apologize, Dragon, but I realize I can only trust myself to prevent that from becoming a reality."

Dragnis: "Heh... Then you have nothing to apologize for... I feel like the future is safe in your hands, but I will leave you with this little piece of advice..."

The rune shattered apart and Chrono's boot slammed into Dragnis' chest. The Rider passed straight through him, and a pillar of flames shot into the sky. It completely melted Seven Brothers, and it reached all the way toward the sun. The energy remaining from the kick transferred to the star, giving it several billions of more years to burn.

Chrono and Dragnis stood back-to-back, the Dragon Zodiac fading away and holding out his hand. His coin slowly started to form, but he wouldn't hold onto it. He instead flicked it into the air.

Dragnis: "Beware of despair... Beware of Zetsubou."

Chrono: "I will..."

Chrono raised his hand and caught the coin. The Dragon Zodiac had fallen, leaving the Rider victorious for all to see. 

Compatibility: 90%

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