⋆˚✿˖° 04. Finding You

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"Kisaki?" You said, "Kisaki Tetsurou?"

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"Kisaki?" You said, "Kisaki Tetsurou?"

"Yes it's me, why are you looking so dumbstruck," Tetsurou chuckled, ruffling your hair.

Because I'm somehow five years back in the past and looking at the past you!

"Hey, back off!" You laughed, pushing him away, which only made him hold onto you tighter. "And what do you mean you found me?"

His lips curled into a smirk. "I was bored. I came looking for you but your mum said you were out, so here I am," Tetsurou said, arms still casually thrown around your shoulder. "Wanna hang out?"

Kisaki Tetsurou used to be a close friend of yours until you both graduated high school and lost contact. You went on your path and he went on his. You haven't seen him for around four years and right now, you couldn't stop smiling. You were tempted, you wanted to talk to him again after so many years but still, the person your heart ached longingly for was Shinichiro. It'll always be him. You shook your head in apology, "Sorry, I'm kinda busy."

"With what?" He frowned, "It's Shinichiro, isn't it? Is he forcing you to hang out with him again? I'll go beat-"

You burst out in mock laughter. "You're funny, Tetsurou. Shinichiro forcing me to do things? Please, he'll get his ass handed to him in two seconds flat."

"Then why do you keep hanging out with him if you claim you hate him? He's such a crybaby and weak as fuck, god knows how he became a gang leader."

He wasn't wrong, but you couldn't help to frown a little at his tone - why did he sound bitter as fuck? You shrugged, "I wonder that too, but Shinichiro...is Shinichiro. There's no one else like him and I wouldn't change a thing about him."

Tetsurou raised a brow, "What's with that yucky look in your eyes? You've fallen in love with him or something?"

You punched his arm, he was dead right. Were you that transparent? "And what if I have?"

He flinched, his arm around your shoulders stiffening as he turned his head to look at you. "With him?"

"Yes, with him."

"Didn't you always keep telling me he's annoying and you hate him? What's with the sudden change of heart?"

It wasn't a sudden change. It was a gradual, begrudgingly slow change of heart, actually, that took place in the span of ten years. Ten years for you to finally realise that Shinichiro is the one, the one that you'd willingly hand your heart over and cherish for the rest of your life.

But of course, Tetsurou wouldn't understand, no matter how you explain it to him, you just know you'd make a fool of yourself, trying to convince him that you somehow came from the future. Like who'd believe you? Not even a five-year-old would. It was too ridiculous. Something you'd definitely get sent to a mental asylum for, no doubt.

TWENTY CONFESSIONS / sano shinichiroWhere stories live. Discover now