Chapter 5 Season 1

Start from the beginning

"Shut up." Thomas snaps out

"It's alright, son. Arthur Shelby never stays where he's not welcome. Quite something you've become since you've been working with the devil herself. Bye son." His dad waves off which you believe is called Arthur as well. You keep your eyes on him as he leaves the room scuffling Fin's hair.

"He's our dad." Arthur murmurs under his breath but enough to hear

"He's a selfish bastard." Thomas spits out

"You calling someone a selfish bastard, that's a bit rich, Tommy. I mean, thanks to you two, we're already down a bloody sister." Arthur argues

"You want to see him, Arthur? You want to see him? You go with him." Thomas snaps as Arthur pushes himself off his seat pissed. He gets in Thomas's face before storming off and slamming the door. The room remains quiet as you look around at everyone who was all glaring at you and Thomas.

You and Thomas are standing at the bar in the Garrison's smoking a cigarette with a drink on the side. Both not talking just looking down at the bar not knowing what to do about the situation. You want to ask Thomas more about his dad but don't want to pry into his private life as Thomas doesn't pry into yours. A man walks up to Thomas and stares at him as Thomas doesn't bother to say anything to him and flicks the ash off his cigarette

"Mr. Shelby. Ms. L/n." The man starts

"Who's asking?" You question blowing
Smoke from your lips

"My names Byrne. I had a word from your man in Camden you wanted to parley." Byrne informs

"Then parley it is." Thomas hums

"A few months ago, a man named Ryan came to this place with a view of buying some goods from you. Mr. Ryan met with an accident. He was shot." Bryne exclaims as Thomas nods

"I heard." Thomas replies vaguely

"He was a man with a quick mouth. I know that. I wondered if he made any enemies in here." Byrne sort of questions

"Not that I know of." Thomas denies

"It's not that kind of place to make enemies." Bryne chuckles

"All are welcome here, Mr. Bryne." Thomas informs

"Including Irish?" He questions

"Oh, especially Irish." Thomas confirms

"Ryan told you he was a member of the Irish Republican Army. Was he still welcome?" He questions once more

"Like he said, any man that buys beer is welcome." You chip in

"Perhaps you didn't believe him." Bryne pushes as Thomas turns to him

"In pubs, sometimes people say things, sometimes it's the whiskey talking. It's hard to tell which is which." Thomas defends himself

"As a teetotal man, I find that amusing. Except when it ends in tragedy." Bryne comments

"Do you want some water and cordial, Mr. Bryne?" Thomas offers

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