When I shot Ottavio at the Ball, she was finally free. She tried to talk to me many times after that, but I always rejected her endeavors until Jolene intervened and convinced me to sit with her at least once, and I did.

I was still bitter that she left us for another man, our enemy, but I was learning to accept her existence in our lives. It would take time for her to repair her actions, and I was willing to give her a second chance.

"Do you have the rings?" I asked Lazlo, and his eyes widened for a second, making me lose my shit. "Lazlo!" I almost yelled when he smiled and showed me the rings. "Fucking idiot."

Abramo slapped Lazlo's head, and Fabio fist-bumped his stomach. "Don't do that, buddy. Not today," Giovanni whispered, and Orlando nodded. They were my best men, standing beside me, supporting me every step of the way.

"Shit! I forgot her speech in the car!" Phoebe whispered-yelled, making us snap our heads to her. "Abramo, love, run! Heels, can't!" she ordered her boyfriend, and he sighed yet dashed to the parking lot.

"You had one job!" Diana slapped Phoebe's shoulder, earning a laugh from the crowd. Izan and Camila were sitting in the front row per Bambi's request, and I did not mind. I was delighted.

Not a minute later, Abramo came back, panting and sweating. I resisted the urge to laugh at his face. "Here." He handed her the paper, and she kissed his cheek. "Good thing the car was not far from the entrance." I nodded, feeling nervous that my love would walk through the door any minute now.

"Ecco che arriva la sposa," the doorman announced and opened the doors.

As we looked at the entrance, gasps were heard from all over as they laid eyes on my ravishing queen. Her dress was magnificent and fit her like a glove, but it did not steal the spotlight. She did.

She was so perfect.

She was mine.

I was hers.

"Here," Orlando handed me his napkin as I cried at the sight of my beautiful Bambi, my soon-to-be wife.

"Grazie." I wiped my face and smiled when she reached me.

"Dario, son..." Dante said with tears in his eyes. "I am entrusting my treasure with you. Take care of her. Love her. Respect her. If she ever comes to me crying because of you, I have a whole mafia to back me up." His threat earned cheers from my men and guests. Dante kissed Jolene's forehead and embraced her so desperately. "She is my heart, Dario."

His words made me more emotional than I was because I remembered my dad. I hugged Dante tightly. "Be happy, son. I know Paolo is looking over you," he added, and I broke down.

Can you see me, Papa? I am marrying the love of my life.

"Now, shall we begin?" The marriage officiant asked, and we stood before each other, listening to his speech.


"If you will excuse us, I am taking Mrs. Romano home now. Enjoy the rest of the party!" I declared through the mic after hours of dancing and singing our hearts out with our guests. I could not wait any longer.

"Go make my Godchildren, loves!" Phoebe yelled, making everyone laugh.

"They will be my Godchildren too; remember when we caught you-" Before Abramo could finish that sentence, Jolene threw her flower bouquet at him and smirked.

"Go marry your girlfriend and make babies yourself. Goodnight, everyone, and thank you for sharing our special day with us!" she dropped the mic and held my hand. 

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