•《chapter XXIV》•

Start from the beginning

"Jake and I kissed."

"Oh..." Arianna found herself flooded with jealousy.

"I don't know, I'm sorry." Bella said with a sigh.

"It's okay Bella."

"No it's not, it's not fair to Edward and especially not you." Bella said, "you just found out about us being mates a few months ago and I know it all has to be confusing for you. And now I'm making that worse by kissing someone who I'm not even supposed to be with. I know I only did it because I didn't want him to run off and get himself killed out of anger but I also can't sit here and say I didn't feel anything."

Bella then started crying, she held her head in her hand. She felt completely overwhelmed and she felt like she was failing her mates. Arianna sighed and placed a hand on her back rubbing it trying to comfort her.

"Bella, I know you've had feelings for Jacob in the past, and I know those aren't gonna go away overnight. He was there for you at a time when you had no one, and I can respect that he was that person for you." Arianna spoke, "don't ever beat yourself up because of that. Yes this is all confusing to me but I know that eventually we will have eternity with each other to figure this all out."

"I just feel like all I keep doing is hurt you and Edward. And I don't want that." Bella cried.

"Everything is still so new, and right when you think you have a hang of things something happens and everything changes again." Ari said, "but in the end everything will always end up the way it's supposed to."

"You are too good for us." Bella says, she still had tears streaking her rosy cheeks as she looked at Arianna. "You are amazing, no matter what you have always stuck by us, and I appreciate you for it."

"I will always be here, no matter your needs." Arianna told her, "now let's wipe those tears, and brighten up."

Bella takes her sleeves, and dries her face. Arianna helps her fix her messy hair and rubs her back reassuringly. Ari gives her a smile of encouragement which Bella returns.

"Although, I do have one more question for you," Bella said, stopping Arianna in her tracks.
"What's up?" she asks with a smile.

"Did you know that Edward was gonna propose?" Bella asked her, "also I know I haven't really talked to you about it, I've been too worried about all of this and I'm sorry."

"Yes I did know." The girl replied with a smile, "he came to me before and asked me if I was okay with it."

"Are you?"

"Well he asked you didn't he?" Arianna said with a laugh.

"Well I just want to make sure you feel okay about it." Bella told her.

"Listen Bells, you and Edward have been together longer than we've known each other, you guys need to work on your relationship and solidify that before adding me into the mix." Ari told her. "I am going to be here and be a part of you always but I want you and Edward to be happy and get married. Don't you worry about me, I will always stand by both your sides."

"Okay" Bella gave her a large smile. "I just want to consider your feelings, if anything is wrong please tell me."

"The same goes for you."

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