Control 1/3

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A/N: Some people are binge-reading this book once again because the reads just said sike in the past few days... I'm so glad people like this!

Long chapter ahead!!


The first day of school. The nightmare of every student. The day that everyone keeps dreading but it comes every year inevitably.

Seungkwan dragged himself across the school yard looking and feeling like a zombie. No matter how much he tried to go to bed early last night, he just couldn't fall asleep and morning came way too early for his liking. He had to use an extra layer of concealer to cover the dark circles around his eyes.

He was currently reading his schedule, trying to figure out where he should go. He had maths first, which was like a nightmare coming true. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to start the week (and not to mention the school year) with maths?! Seungkwan would've gladly helped them look for a therapist.

As he was about to walk across the grass, he stopped when he realized that the automatic watering system was on. He frowned and looked at himself. He was wearing sneakers and jeans so his feet won't get soaked, but the water was sprinkling up in face level. He doubted he can pass by it without getting wet. Unless...

He quickly looked around. Luckily most students were either already in class, or in too much of a hurry to pay attention to him. He raised his hand carefully. Yeah, they agreed with the boys that they shouldn't use their powers that much now that they are out of control, but maybe turning the watering system down a bit won't hurt... right?

Well, as for him it didn't cause any harm, but instead of slowly turning the water off (which any other day before their powers went crazy would've been an easy-peasy task), suddenly the faucet turned on even more and water began sprinkling everywhere. Seungkwan was quick to jump behind a bush to avoid it, but others weren't that lucky. A loud scream was heard and Seungkwan gasped when he saw that the cold water just sprinkled directly at a boy who was walking past the faucet. He cringed.

The watering system suddenly stopped (great timing, thought Seungkwan) and he sneaked out of his hiding place. He quickened his steps, but instead of rushing to class, he ran up to the other boy to check on him.

'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!' he gasped as he reached him. The boy looked up from checking the damage the water did on his outfit and things and chuckled awkwardly.

'It's okay, I have no idea what could've happened!' he said. He had a smooth and kind voice and some accent. Seungkwan assumed he was foreign. 'The watering system just suddenly sprinkled in my face. You don't need to apologize, it's not your fault!' he added. If you knew, thought Seungkwan.

'I mean, sorry it happened to you. It happens sometimes with this faucet' he said awkwardly. He held his books closer to his chest as he examined the boy from up close while the other was busy drying the papers he carried with himself.

He seemed to be around their age, but Seungkwan had never seen him before so he assumed he is probably new in the area. He had dark brown hair, wore a pair of glasses and had slim and tall figure. He was dressed up fashionably, had a good sense of style. Seungkwan had to admit, he was gorgeous, he looked like a model.

'Uh... are you new here?' asked Seungkwan. 'I don't think I know you.'

'Yes, actually. I moved here with my Mom from China this summer' said the boy and swept his bangs out of his face. 'I'm Minghao by the way.'


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