Catch Of The Day 2/3

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JuiceNet was completely full with people. It was a usual thing since it was Friday afternoon and most of the students gathered together there after school.

As Seungkwan entered, the thing that surprised him was that even though the place was packed, everyone was silent and kept staring at the small TV on the wall. He quickly spotted Seokmin, Soonyoung and Wonwoo at one of the tables and went to them.

'Hey! What's going on?' he whispered and took a seat. Seokmin was about to explain when suddenly from the barstools behind them Junhui leaned forward.

'Look, Seungkwan! Your dad's on TV!'

Seungkwan turned towards the TV. It was really showing his father. He was standing somewhere on the coast and a microphone was held in front of him. It was an interview for the local news channel.

'... this is something that never happened in the bay before' said Mr Boo. 'I've never seen this huge damage on a fishing net. This amount of damage can only be caused by a great white shark.'

People gasped in the café. Seungkwan kept staring at the TV confused as his father's picture disappeared and a woman was shown instead of him who warned the locals to watch out for the shark if they go swimming or boating in the bay.

'I don't understand. What happened?' he turned back. Seokmin and Hoshi both bit their lips while Wonwoo was immersed in reading something so he probably didn't even hear.

'Apparently' spoke up Jun again, who seemingly decided to join their group for now. 'The fishing net got completely destroyed by something. And they said it must be a shark.'

'That's ridiculous. Sharks don't come to the bay' shook his head Seungkwan. Jun shrugged and continued chewing on the straw in his empty glass.

'It looks like now one did. And there's even a price for killing it' he added. Seungkwan stared at the table in disbelief while Jun jumped off of the barstool and made his way outside, the sea of people letting him through without a word. Of course, he was the popular boy. They didn't even see that he still had a straw between his lips and was chewing on it.  Or if they did, they must've thought this is some trend. Because everything about Wen Junhui is trendy.

'Seungkwan' spoke up Soonyoung. Seungkwan snapped out of his thoughts about how cool Jun was. He accidentally met eyes with Wonwoo as he directed his attention back to his friends. Wonwoo just scrunched his nose without a word before looking away. Obviously, Seungkwan knew about his friend's hatred towards Jun and Mingyu.

'Umm... your father didn't catch a shark as he thought. He caught a turtle' mumbled Hoshi.

'They were fishing on the illegal parts of the coast' added Seokmin. 'It wasn't a shark who destroyed his net, it was us' he admitted. 'We had to take the turtle out somehow. And the fishing net wasn't that special net he talked about either.'

'That can't be' whispered Seungkwan. 'My father would never do something like this!'

'We saw it, Seungkwan!' argued Seokmin. Wonwoo looked up from the article he was reading worriedly.

'I just can't believe it' muttered Seungkwan. 'I think I'll go' he said and stood up.

'Would you like to order something?' chirped in a cheerful voice. Seungkwan looked back at Jihoon who was standing there with a notebook and shook his head. He left the place, even though the crowd didn't let him through as simply as they did with Junhui.

Seokmin and Soonyoung exchanged a look and smiled at Jihoon apologetically.

'What's with him lately?' sighed Jihoon and scribbled something into his notebook.

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