Chapter 1

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That right there, would be the sound of an easily sidetracked assistant waiting for coffee to finish being made. Impatient silence, broken only by the sound of machine whirring. Even after all of this time of doing this same exact routine, doing checks around the Rainbow Factory and then heading to the break room to get yet another cup of coffee for Walden, that wait that seemed to last forever never seemed to become any more bearable. Just waiting, nothing else... no productivity, no papers getting checked or reviewed, not even any conversations as the break room was often quite empty, just simple, quiet, and boring waiting...

"... god damnit hurry the hell up already," Rakine grumbled under his breath as he starts to impatiently tap on the table, mindlessly staring at the coffee pot. He has work to get done, and a boss who might literally burn down the factory without caffeine. Unsurprisingly, the literal second that the machine is done running, he quickly grabs the pot and pours most of the coffee into a mug, putting in a bit of sugar into it as well to dull some of the bitterness of it without drowning out any of the coffee itself.

Without another moment wasted, he grasps the mug with one hand, picks up his papers with the other, and heads straight out of the room and through the halls. As if Rakine weren't already trying to do enough at once, he also tries to adjust his lab coat into place, without using his hands, while walking very quickly... and carrying a very full cup of coffee. Looking presentable shouldn't even be a concern, look at the factory and pretty much everyone who works there, they are far from it.

Yet he tries anyways.

Before he knows it, he's already right at his boss's office door, which thankfully is already slightly open so he doesn't have to go through the dreadful struggle of trying to knock or open the door. Thank god, that's happened too many times. As per usual, when Rakine steps in, he gets greeted by the welcoming presence of Walden William Darling.

"Took you fucking long enough," he snarls, not even bothering to look up from the chaotic assortment of paperwork and files sprawled across his desk. That would explain the rush on Rakine's part.

"Apologies sir, but I can't just make the coffee machine work faster. I would if I could, but I can't. I did as you requested though, sir, I have statistics of blue spectra production; they were able to be brought back up from last weeks results," Rakine explains while setting down the warm mug on Wally's desk in front of him on one of the few areas that isn't absolutely covered, then flipping through the papers he's holding to find the one he needed before sliding it over. "It was just a slight mix up with the grinders filtering process, but it was resolved so production should be running relatively smoothly once more."

"Good. There's already been too many setbacks. What about the experiments?" Wally asks, his voice coming out more as a grumble than an actual question. For once, his gaze flickers up to Rakine, waiting for an answer before instead skimming over the paper handed to him as he listens and takes a drink of the coffee, enjoying the soothing warmth and lingering bittersweet taste. While he's not fully focusing on whatever the answer is, Wally is more just getting the vague concept of what he is being told.

"They've been going well enough. No issues with the Safe subjects, as always. The Euclid subjects are just being stubborn, but no problems worth worrying about. As for Keter subjects, we don't have any tests scheduled for any of them today, but we will have one running tomorrow that some of your lab workers would like your supervision or assistance on, sir."

With how crowded Waldens day already usually is, a mildly frustrated sigh escapes him as he hears he might be needed some time tomorrow. "Can't they do it themselves? They've dealt with Keter experiments before, it's nothing new. It's their damn job, they shouldn't need my help, they aren't children working on a craft project."

"Yes I know, sir. But they requested it, so I don't know what you want to do about that," he mentions, a bit more nervously than he usually would with his ears almost about to lay flat subconsciously, but don't. This is the most he's ever tried to 'talk back' to his boss, which is honestly pretty nerve wracking for him. Of course, that isn't very appreciated, but it isn't direct back talk, so Wally doesn't get too upset over it right now.

"Fine. I'll take care of it. If that's all that has gone on, and you don't need me for anything else, then go get back to work." Wally says firmly, making it obvious he doesn't want his own work to be disrupted for any longer than it needs to be.

Rakine quickly thinks over everything, before concluding that was all that had to be discussed between the two of them. "That was indeed all that was needed at the moment, sir. I'll head back to my work then, and if anything else comes up, I don't have anything huge to work on so I'll be ope-"

"Go." Walden cuts him off before Rakine can keep over-explaining and honestly just wasting his time, glaring at him one last time to signal that he is being dead serious.

"Yes sir." He nods without saying anything further and going to leave his office, closing the door gently behind him, and letting out a small breath. Rakine took a bit of a risk with that, and could honestly just see that Walden was not putting up with anything today, his red eyes emphasizing that more than ever, and that was kind of stressful.

No time to ponder over small little things though, Wally has always been like that; cold, stern, and irritable. Sometimes, it was questionable on if he was even a person sometimes. Never mind that though, Rakine stands up straight, regains his formal self, and heads through the factory, back to where his own office- dorm- thing is to continue his own work, with his tail swishing lightly behind him as he walks. Rakine still had paperwork in hand, some of which he had to bring to different sections or labs, but he decided it would be smarter to do that later, after he finishes filling out other papers or sending files over, etc.

So once he reaches the comfort of his own space, he sits down and sets down what he was holding on the corner of his own desk and turns on his computer to do the first thing he usually does; check any emails or important files. To his surprise, he notices he got sent something from Julianne Darling, Waldens wife. Why would she need to contact him? Julie worked in a completely different section than him. He clicked open the message, and read whatever was sent. 

'Rakine Grey, you are Wally's assistant, correct?
Well I'd like to request that you are to avoid him at around 4-7 PM today, if that is not too much of an inconvenience. Barnaby should be able to help you if you truly need during then, but I will need him unbothered at that time.
Much appreciated, Julianne Joyful Darling'

... huh. Okay then. He checks the current time, 3:47 PM. Not much longer until whatever Julie was mentioning to him. While it's tempting to go listen in on that when the time comes, he knows better than to invade his boss's and coworkers space. Instead, he stays in his own room, continuing work as quickly as he can out of pure habit to get things done efficiently and effectively.

He can't seem to shake the thought of what might happen during that time though, he'll probably check in about that later though.

(1340 words oh my god. Ow my brain.)

Two wrongs can make a right [Rakine(OC)xRF!Wally fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon