Rain acts weird but why ???🥺

Start from the beginning

Payu : Omg...!!!
This is the cutest smile I fell in love with 😍

Rain : And this is the most handsome face I fell in love with 😍

They both go out and eat dumplings and Payu stays with Rain in condo...

He was staying there very often that Payu had his spare clothes in Rain's condo

Next day at Uni...

Payu takes Rain to his class and kisses him...

Then tells Fah to take care of him and was about go to his class

Rain holds his hand...

Payu : What sweetie...???

Rain : I will miss you...

Payu : Oh my cutie pie...
I will miss you too...

I will meet you in break time okay...

Fah looks at the love birds...

Fah : You two were the same love birds fighting like snakes yesterday right???

Rain : Fah just shut up na...

Fah : Rain your boyfriend is just going to attend the class for 2 hours and then come back don't act like as if he is leaving you and going for days...

Come here...
Fah drags Rain inside the class...

After attending 2 class it was lunch time and Payu was about to come meet Rain
When his professor announces that there will be one more class continuing and then he will be leaving everyone to lunch break

Payu gets sad and texts Rain about it...

Rain sees the message and feels so sad and replies him 'okay'...

Fah and Rain goes to cafeteria to eat the lunch

Fah goes and gets the food and when he came back he gets so shocked 😳

Rain was sitting and crying...

Fah quickly runs to Rain...

Fah : What happened Rain...???
Why are you crying baby...???

Rain : I miss phi so much...😭
I want to see him..

Fah : Rain are you really alright...???
Why are you crying like this...???

Did you both fight or what..???

Rain : We didn't fight...
I just miss phi so much...

I want to see his face...

Fah : You said he is in class na...

Rain : Yes...😭

Fah : Okay then first eat lunch then will sit and wait for phi Payu okay...

Rain : Hmmm okay 😭

Fah then feeds Rain and wipes his tears

Fah : Don't cry...
Phi will be here soon...

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