Edward vs Jim

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*In the streets, Jim and Denny were talking while drinking in the van*

Jim: Forget holding her hand. Picture the damage he could do to other places. 

Denny: Yeah, that's sick. *He chuckled* I feel like I'm going to pass out, or puke or something.

Jim: Later, first take me to her house. 

Denny: Come on, Jim, don't make me drive.

Jim: Just do it!

Denny: Jesus, maybe she was right about you. 

Jim: Just drive!

Denny: Relax. *He makes his way to the driver's seat*

*Kevin was seen walking out of his friend Max's house*

Kevin: See you tomorrow. Call me, right? *His friend nodded as Kevin walks home*

*Soon the old veteran was seen outside his garage*

Veteran: Have they caught him yet? *He asked Kevin*

Kevin: Who? 

Veteran: Him, that cripple. *Motions with his hands. Kevin shrugs his shoulder* Well, let me know when they do. Let us all know, okay? Like a good boy.

*The van driven by Denny was seen knocking neighborhood bush's down. Edward saw this from the living room window. He goes outside, with Kim and Perdita following behind*

Edward: Kevin. *He saw that Kevin was about to get run over. But he ran in just in time to save him, he landed on top of Kevin on the grass*

Edward: Are you okay? *Making sure he was okay. But Edward started accidentally scratching Kevin's face*

Kevin: Ow! Ow! *He cried out*

*All the neighborhood people and dogs came out seeing this, even Pongo came out, everyone thought Edward was attacking him. Some dogs were barking*

"What are you doing? Get away!" 

"Get the police!" 

"Somebody call the police!" *Each cried out*

*Soon Bill and Peg arrived back and saw this*

Bill: Hey! 

*Perdita and Kim run up to them. But Jim grabs a hold of Kim*

Kim: Let go of me!

Jim: Why? *She breaks free from his grip*

Kim: Kevin! *She runs up to catch up so, did the parents*

Bill: Kevin! Edward! Get away. What happened? 

Peg: Edward! Go home! Go home! *They got Kevin and run to the house. But then Jim tackles Edward and begin to attack him*

Kim: Jim, stop it. Get off him!

*Perdita barked angrily at Jim. Edward then scratches Jim's arm exposing blood. He yells in pain and moves away. All the people were crowding them. Kim and Perdita walk up to Edward. Soon the police were heard coming closer* 

Kim: Run. *She told Edward. They stare into each other's eyes before he runs. Passes through the crowd with Officer Allen hot on his tail. All the people and dogs chased after them. Peg came out of the house*

Peg: Kevin's all right! It was just the tiniest scratch! He's gone! Let's not bother him, all right? Let's just leave him alone! *She told the angry mob*

*Kim and Perdita couldn't believe it. But they stopped in horror when they heard gunshots. All the people went to ask Officer Allen if Edward was dead. But he told them all to go home. But they didn't listen and went up to the hilltop castle*

*Up on the hilltop of the castle entrance. Perdita and Kim entered inside and headed up the stairs, into the attic and saw Edward sitting on his bed inside the chimney. The girls approach him*

Edward: They're coming? Did I hurt Kevin? *Perdita shook her head 'no'* 

Kim: No, he's okay. He was just scared. Edward, I was so afraid. We thought you were dead. 

*Edward slowly leans in to kiss her as she does the same, until Jim appeared with a handgun*

Jim: I didn't. *He fires at Edward but misses*

Kim: Stop! *She moves Jim's arm, making him shoot the attic roof. small pieces landed on Edward. Jim pushed Kim away and started to attack Edward again*

Perdita growled furiously. That was it! She lunges at Jim and bites down on his arm making him groan in pain*

Jim: Get off of me you mangy mutt! *She snarled and kept biting down hard on his arm. That's when he kicked her off him. She lands to the side with a small whimper*

*Kim saw this and grabbed a wood board from the ground and knocked Jim from behind. She lands on top of him and grabs Edward's hand pointing the blade finger at his neck*

Kim: Stop it, or I'll kill you, myself. *She growled. Then Jim slapped her and kicked her off him*

Jim: Bullshit! 

*Edward gets up making sure she and Perdita were okay*

Jim: Hey! I said stay away from her!

*Edward glared at Jim and stabbed his blade finger into his abdomen pushing him. Once he let's go, Jim falls out the window and on the ground. Dead. Edward, Kim and Perdita looked down from the window. That's when the people and dogs were entering the front gates*

*Edward looks at Kim, before saying*

Edward: Goodbye. 

*In a few seconds, Kim kisses him*

Kim: I love you. *She whispered and Perdita looked sad*

*Edward closed his eyes for a moment, embracing her. After her, Perdita came up to him with a sad whimper*

Edward: Take care of her, my dear friend.. *He whispered*

*Perdita stands up on her hinge legs and hugs him one last time*

Perdita: I'll miss you. *She whispered*

Edward: I'll miss you most. *He whispered*

Kim: Perdita let's go girl. *She calls out to her dalmatian*

*She obeyed and looked at him one last time before following her owner. Edward watches them leave. Outside the people and dogs were coming to the entrance of the front door. Some housewives scream when they see Jim's lifeless body. Pongo was scanning for Perdita*

*Kim and Perdita head downstairs, but Kim grabs an extra scissor hand. The girls go out the front door where everyone was waiting*

"Is he in there?" *One husband asked Kim*

Kim: He's dead. The roof caved in on him. They killed each other. You can see for yourselves. *She motions to the blood on her shoulders, then raised the scissor hand showing everyone* See. 

*Everyone was disbelief. Pongo looked at Perdita's expression. She looked down sad and melancholy, he felt really bad for her*

Helen: I'm going home. *She started to leave. One by one people and their dogs were going home. Joyce was still in her spot in disbelief*

George: Joyce. *He called out to her*

*Soon she was the last one to leave. Kim and Perdita looked on sadly*   

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