Breaking and Entering

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*Late at night, Jim, Kim, Edward, Denny and Suzanne were going to "rob" Jim's house*

Denny: This burglar scared. 

Kim: You turned off the alarm. Am I right? *She whispered to Jim*

Jim: Yes, everything, come on. Let's go. Come on. *They make their way to the house*

Kim: I can't believe this is happening.

Suzanne: Are you sure he doesn't know this is Jim's house?

Kim: He's never been here. 

Edward: This person stole from you? * He asked Jim who shushes him*

Jim: Keep your voice down. I told you he stole it. Right? Come on. Let's go. 

*Pongo saw them from the window of his house*

Edward: His parents will make him give it back. 

Jim: Listen, I've already tried that. The guy's parents are like he is. Okay? Now, you told Kim you'd do this. Well, come on. Let's go. Come on. Come on. Come on. 

*They go up to the front door, Edward stopped to snip the small bush a little*

Jim: Come on. Come on. *He pulls Edward with him; he picks the lock, and the door opens. The lights turn on. Jim turns a picture of him over so Edward wouldn't notice. He opens another door. But once he steps into the room, the alarm goes off and the door shuts leaving Edward inside. Kim was in shock*

Jim: The bastard had it wired separately. Come on. 

Kim: No, Jim. We can't just leave him here! *He picked her up and they leave. Edward goes to the door and tries to open it but he couldn't. Pongo heard the alarm and does the Twilight bark sending the message hoping Perdita could hear*

*She heard it and barked as well. All the neighborhood dogs barked. Soon the police arrived at the house*

 Policeman: We know you're in there. 

Office Allen: We're in the process of deactivating the system so that you can come out. 

*The teens drive away in the van*

Kim: Denny, turn around!

Jim: No way! 

Kim: Jim, it's your house. They can't arrest you for setting off your own alarms. We'll just tell them we were breaking in. 

Jim: I'm not going back there. Okay? 

Kim: We have to go back. 

Jim: No, because my father will prosecute.

Kim: His own son?

Jim: Especially his own son. If Edward tells, I'll kill him. 

Kim: Denny, turn around!

Jim: No!

Kim: Turn around. We have to. 

*But he kept on driving. Back at the house, Edward came out*

Officer Allen: Put your hands high in the air so we can see them. Put your hands up! *Edward puts his Scissorhands up and slowly walks*

Policeman: He's got something in his hands. Looks like knives. *He told Officer Allen*

Officer Allen: Drop your weapons! I repeat drop your weapons! I'm gonna ask you one more time. This is your last warning. Drop your weapons. If you fail to do so, we'll have to open fire. Don't make us do that, buddy. Drop your weapons. Drop ' them NOW! Looks like we got a psycho. Prepare to fire! *Then some of the housewives came out stopping him*

Marge & Cissy: No!

Officer Allen: Stand back, ladies!

Marge: Those aren't weapons, those are his hands! Please. We know him. 

Officer Allen: Alright, cuff him. *He put his gun away. As they take Edward in*

*Peg and Bill arrived at the police station*

Peg: But can we see him now?

Policeman: We'll have to hold him overnight for observation.

Peg: He has to stay in prison all night?

Policeman: Pick him up in the morning. *They entered the criminal investigation section. Where Edward was looking down looking sad, ashamed and frightened*

Peg: Oh, Edward. Hello Edward. Oh Edward. I blame myself. *He looks up at her*

Bill: What in god's name was going through your mind, son? 

Peg: Why don't I set a better example? You saw how I envied Jim's parents, their money. 

Bill: What were you going to do with that stuff? 

Peg: Oh, I blithely say, "We'll get the money for the salon somehow." But I never meant stealing. Stealing's not the way to get anything.  

Bill: Except trouble. And you're in a heap of that. 

Peg: Oh, Edward. Why ever did you do this? Damn those TV programmes!

Bill: Damn them all to hell!

Peg: Or did somebody put you up to this? *But Edward didn't say anything. Soon he was being release*

Officer Allen: Will he be okay, Doc? *He asked a psychologist*

Psychologist: The years in spent isolation have not equipped him with the tools necessary to judge right from wrong. He's had no context. He's been completely without guidance. Furthermore his work, the garden sculptures, hairstyles, and so forth. Indicate that he's a highly imaginative. Character. It seems clear that his awareness of what we call reality is radically underdeveloped. 

Officer Allen: But will he be all right out there? 

Psychologist: Oh yeah, He'll be fine. *He leaves. Officer Allen goes up to Edward*

Officer Allen: Listen. It could keep me up all night worrying about you. Watch yourself. *Edward exits the police station. On the roadside of the neighborhood, the housewives were talking to each other about last night*

Marge: I happened to be up, so, I heard all this noise...  

Joyce: All along I felt it in my gut. There was something wrong with him. 

Marge: It could have been my house. 

Helen: It could have been any of our houses. 

Esmeralda: I warned you, didn't I? I saw the sign of Satan on him. You didn't heed my warning. But now you will because now you see it too. *As she walked by, the wives just watched her as she leaves. As Peg and Edward returned home, Reporters approach Edward swarming him with questions*

Peg: Edward. You stay here. *She takes his wrist*

Reporter: What do you say in your defense?

Edward: Nothing. 

Peg: He doesn't want to talk. 

Reporter: You have to say something. 

Peg: He can't talk right now. 

Reporter: No comments? No remarks? 

Reporter 2: So were you set up? What was going through your mind? One comment.

Peg: Later. *Closes the door on them. Later she was talking on the phone* Well, for goodness sakes, Lois, looks like I'll see you at our Christmas party. Before I get you here for your haircut. Well, of course we're gonna have it this year. We have it every year. Why wouldn't we? Well! You may think that, but you're wrong.

*Perdita goes outside to the living room. Once she saw Edward she goes and hugs him*

Edward: Oh Perdita. *He hugged her*

Perdita: I just couldn't believe it. The dogs told me everything. I couldn't believe Jim and Kim did such a horrible thing and used you. Oh Edward, you must have been frightened. I am so sorry for what you have been going through. It must have been awful. *She said sadly*

Edward: I'm alright, dear friend. Do not worry. *He kept hugging her. She nodded and stayed with him throughout the day*

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