Kim comes home

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*Later that night, Edward and Perdita were in bed. As the dalmatian sleeps he was thinking back in time when the inventor taught him the etiquette*

The Inventor: Let us pretend we're in the drawing room, and the hostess is serving tea. "Now, many numerous little questions confront us." "Should the man rise." "When he accepts his cup of tea?" "May lump of sugar be taken with the things?" Is it good form to accept a second cup? "Now, should the napkin be entirely unfolded." Oh, should the center crease. Be allowed to remain? It is so easy to commit embarrassing blunders. "But etiquette humiliation and discomfort. *But Edward didn't find it interesting* Mm boring. Let us switch to um... To some poetry, Hmm? "There was an old man from the cape. Who made himself there, but they keep such a beautiful shape." That's right. Go ahead, smile. It's funny. *Edward smiles as flashback ends*

 *Outside on the streets, a van pulled up to the Boggs house. It was Kim, Jim and their friends coming back from the camping trip* 

Denny: Okay, guys, we're home. *He gets out and slides open the door as Kim and Jim came out*

Kim: I can't believe. Everything's still sopping. 

"I can't wait to take a shower and wash off the mildew." *Another teenage girl said with a groan*'

Jim: If my parents set the alarm, I'm screwed I'll sleep in the yard... again. 

Kim: I told you to call to say you we're coming back. 

Denny: Yeah, but did you? *He told Jim*

Suzanne: He'd rather complain. 

Jim: How else can I be the center of attention? You didn't call your parents. 

Kim: They don't run their house like a police station. Bye guys, thanks for driving, Denny. See you later. *They all bid goodbye as well* 

Jim: See you later. Bye. *He kisses Kim*

Kim: Don't forget your arm. *She prays his arm off her shoulders*

Jim: Oh, yeah.

Denny: Come on, Jim let's go. * He goes inside the van. The door opens as Kim enters; Perdita's ear perks up. Soon she enters her room, the dalmatian gets off the bed and toward her*

Kim: Hi girl, miss me? *She pets her, Perdita wags her tail happy to see her. Edward was just watching as Kim took off her shirt getting ready for bed. Then she goes to the mirror, after a few seconds she looks to the corner of her eye to find Edward in her bed. She suddenly screams in fright, startling Perdita and Edward. Who accidently pokes so many holes in her bed, as water squirts out. Kim runs out to the hallway* 

Kim: There's somebody in my room! *Bill and Peg come out turning the light on* Go. Look. A murderer with an axe. He did try to even kill me. 

*Perdita came out coming up to Kim. Soon Kevin came out*

Bill: It's all right. It's all right. Go back to bed. It's only Edward. *He told his son. Soon Edward came out* 

Kim: Oh my god! 

Peg: Honey, that was Edward. 

Kim: Who is he? What are you talking about? *Peg takes her to another room with Perdita following behind. While Bill takes Edward to the bathroom* 

Bill: This way. 

Kim: Who is he? 

Peg: That's Edward. 

Kim: Edward!? 

Peg: Edward's come to live with us. There's nothing to be upset about. *Kim was still frightened* No, no it's okay. *She and the dalmatian calms her down*

*Soon Bill and Edward were down in the basement room, as Bill opens the sofa bed*

Bill: We'll have you a setup here in a minute. Up with your feet. A queen-size bed here. How do you like that? It's all made up and everything. There you go. *Edward was shaking a little* What's the matter? What's wrong? *He patted his back and direct him to the small bar* She gets you nervous?  You've been closed up in a way in that castle too long. You don't know anything about the wonderful world of teenage girls. They're all crazy. Here some. Straighten that out. *Pours liquor in a glass cup*

Edward: What is it? 

Bill: Lemonade. *He lies* I don't know what it is. They reach a certain age. They develop these gland things. Their bodies swell up. They go crazy. 

Edward: Glands? *Bill puts a straw in his cup as he drinks*

Bill: Yeah, glands. I try not to think about it. *But after Edward finished drinking the "lemonade." he started feeling... unsettling* Good. isn't it? 

*After Kim calms down. They go to Kevin's room setting up an extra bed for her*

Peg: Now you stay in Kevin's room tonight. Tomorrow we'll fix your room right. *She moves the sack of clothes*

Kim: Mom, why did you have to bring him here? *Perdita grabs the skateboard and puts it aside* 

Peg: Oh honey, I couldn't have left him there all alone. You would have done the same thing. 

Kim: Why does he have to stay here? 

Peg: Oh, my goodness, Kim. I'm surprised at you. He can't help the way he is. Have a little sympathy. *Perdita gently nudged Kim, she nodded*

Kim: I do have a little sympathy. 

Peg: Then let's just say hello and later you come downstairs and shake his hand.

Kim: Shake his hand? *She looked at her like she's crazy* 

Peg: Well, not literally. Goodness, you scared him half to death. 

Kim: I scared him to death? *She was disbelief. The three exit Kevins room and head downstairs*

Peg: Hi, Bill. I just wanted you two to have a proper introduction. Edward, this is our daughter Kim. Kim, this is Edward who's going to live with us. *She smiled. Edward slowly turns to look at them. Perdita tilts her head. 'Is he alright?' she thought. *

Kim: Hi. *Suddenly Edward collapsed on the floor, making the three gasped. Then, Perdita smelled the scent, it was liquor. She gave Bill the disapproval look and barked*

Bill: What? it wouldn't kill him to try. *He protests, but she just shook her head*

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