"Can't we just check the day his pulse lowered?" Rea questioned quietly, making him look at her, before nodding his head.

"Can you check the footage from last Monday?" Mr. Kim asked, looking at the nurse who was there to translate once more.

The security guard was quick at finding the footage in the hallway of that day.

"He reacted around two in the afternoon." The nurse said, making them both look at her.

That made the job a lot easier as they went through the footage of an hour or two before that, and the time he almost died.

Rea tilted her head at the sight of a familiar face, but she couldn't pin point who it was.

She saw him enter the room confidently, and closing the door behind him.

"Do you know who that person is? Is that Josh?" Mr. Kim asked with slightly furrowed eyebrows as the security guard went back and paused the footage.

"Matteo." She said in slight shock as she raised her eyebrows, realizing her brother's French friend was the reason Heeseung almost died.

"Who is that?"

"He's friends with Angel."

Mr. Kim kept his eyes on the footage, realizing that another thing was leading to the twin.

If Angel was involved in this, what would be his motive?

"What was he doing here?" Rea asked herself quietly as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Let's get back to the room, quickly."

Rea furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Mr. Kim, wondering why he was in such a hurry.

"We can't leave Heeseung alone with Angel anymore. Please increase your security around the hospital, only a select few people are allowed to visit Heeseung. I will email you the list as fast as I can." He informed the nurse sternly, and she nodded her head in understanding.

Rea sat up straight at the mention of her brother's name.

"You think he has something to do with this?" She laughed a little as she shook her head, making Mr. Kim look at her in all seriousness.

"Yes. Your brother is one of the main suspects now."

"He wouldn't do anything to hurt Heeseung. He's.... obsessed with him." Her voice derailed as she slowly looked down at the ground, her head feeling like it'll hurt any time soon, but she shook her head again. "Angel isn't capable of doing anything to hurt him."

"We don't know that-"

"But I know that. He's my twin for God's sake." She emphasized as she shook her head again.

Mr. Kim sighed a little before looking away from her.

"Let's just get back to the room and talk about this later. I will tell you all the reasons why your brother is the prime suspect. I am not accusing him of anything yet, but he is no longer allowed to visit Heeseung, because he is being suspected. We could clear him, but for now, him here? No."

Rea hesitated a little before nodding her head, and following Mr. Kim out of the control room.


"Hello?" Angel spoke as he looked at Heeseung, who was sleeping soundly, his phone slipping out of his hand.

"What's up?"

"I think they saw you." He said softly as his knee nervously shook.

"Saw me? Where?"

"Here. At the hospital."

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now