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All I could hear was beeping. I tiredly tried to lift my head up to investigate the noise, but it only caused a dozen nurses and doctors to come rushing into the room. The loud shouting soon stopped and I couldn't hear anything, but I knew by how the medical team's mouths were moving they were shouting things.

I fight hard to keep my eyes open, afraid of death because I feel like just giving up. From what I could make out because of my constant blacking as out was a monitor that was the source of the constant beeping, lots of other machines and people standing outside of the room that I knew that WEREN'T the medical team. They looked familiar.

As soon as the woman notices i'm awake, she suddenly tears up and tries running into the room.

"Sorry, ma'am, I know you want to come in but you can't. We've told you this. Please wait outside. In order to do our best to keep them alive, we need no disturbances." A nurse states, blocking her way, causing the woman to narrow her eyes.

I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second...


Suddenly, I see something I know all too well.

The cellar.


This causes me to jolt awake, and aggressively rid of the machines and whatnot that was "keeping me alive."

What a load of bull.

Shouting starts again in the room as staff try to hold me down. I guess I create such a commotion that other people, including the woman from earlier practically kick the door open.

It's no use, though. I'm set on what I need to do.

Get back into the Digital Circus.

I jolt out of the room and into an elevator like my life depends on it, hurriedly choosing the floor level button. Thankfully, the door closes before anyone can get to me.

The elevator reaches the destination and I sprint out of the hospital. I can feel people looking at me. It's not really every day you see someone escaping a hospital.

It's snowing hard as I race down a street. I'm surprised I remember where I live. Finally, I reach my house and try the door handle. It doesn't work and I grumble, sprinting to the nearest window.

Without hesitation, I punch it with such force that shards of glass go flying everywhere. I get a few scratches, sure, but that isn't what's important.

I climb into my house through the broken window.

..Wait, my dog!

I panic, looking around, remembering I have one.

Unfortunately, it isn't in sight. It must've been taken away after the whole incident with the headset..

Honestly, i'd be surprised if they still left it where I collapsed.

I walk over to where I remember blacking out and behold, it's...


Wow, I was always lucky but I never knew I was THIS lucky. Things kind of always worked in my favor. Really glad it still does.

Well, uhm, besides getting a good job.


But that's not the point. I cautiously pick it up, but remember it'd be kind of hard to since I have a TV head. I notice a shard from the window on the ground, and see myself.

No, not my digital form.

The real me.

I stare silently at myself, pausing the whole thing I was just doing.

"Wait, no, I need to stay focused.." I murmur, and am about to put it on, but a thought comes into my head.

They're just gonna come looking for me here and see me and then put me in the hospital again.. I can't put it on right here..

I then remember a good spot. There's a woods kind of far away from here. It'd delay what i'm doing but won't put me back into the same position again..

I sigh, unlocking the door from the inside and sprint out. By the time I came outside, the snow was REALLY coming down. From what I could see, there was already 6 inches.

An hour or so passed, but I reached it. I felt so cold I could just drop then and there.

..I wonder if i'd go to heaven or hell.

I should take a Quotev quiz sometime, actually.

I walked deep into the heart of the woods, sitting down against a tree and taking a deep breath. Here goes nothing...

MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Because i'm the author, I can continue leaving you on very irritating but anxiety-inducing cliffhangers! Hope you liked this?? We in fact did not forever leave the digital babes. Who do you think the woman was?? comment, follow and like if you can!

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