Forced Adventure

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If I make a mistake, point it out because i'm not gonna proof-read this since it's WAY too long and it's getting late.
Also, I forgot to mention these, but if you don't know what they mean, here you go because they'll be frequently used in the story :P
Y/N - Your name
N/N - Nickname

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I was sulking on the floor of my room until I heard Kinger bang on my door.

"Hey! Hey!! N/N! We have an adventure today! We're paired up again! Well, with Gangle this time." He says, excitedly.

I've never heard him this happy-sounding.

Well, why am I even talking-? I've only been here for a few days.

Okay, seriously, Y/N, you need to stop talking to yourself in your head. It's concerning.

"I don't want to go." I huff, refusing to open my door and talk face-to-face with him.

"You have to. Well, you don't have to. I just want you to come along! A- ignore what I said. Can you come with us, please?" Kinger pleads, and I can't even see him but I can tell, since we're pretty close now that he's attempting to do (horrible) puppy-dog eyes. He just looks creepy when he does it.

I groan and lazily open the door, shuffling out. Shuffling like a grandma is my new thing now that i'm uh.. glitchy and in pain and can't do anything about it. Ya feel me?

Kinger looks like he saw a ghost as he stares at me.

"AaUuuUuuuuGGhhh!!!" He screams for the second time and I hit him, glaring as I do so.

"Be quiet! The others will come over here and see me! Actually, that doesn't even matter because they're gonna see me anyways."

"Sorry, sorry. What do you plan to do about your ar- body?? body, I mean." He corrects himself as it's not just my arm now.

"I don't know, probably just tell Caine like you said earlier and hope he doesn't find out about Kaufmo. All of them probably already know about Kaufmo now thanks to Jax!" I grumble and cross my arms.

"Well, I mean, if they don't know yet, they're about to." Kinger shrugs and I freeze, slowly turning my head around to see someone I don't recognize, Ragatha and Jax all walking together THIS WAY!

I shriek, diving into Kinger's pillow fort.

This catches the three's attention and Kinger nervously walks in front of the ruined fort.

"Watcha got there, Kinger?" Jax stares at Kinger, and I cover my mouth to avoid making sound while hiding in the pillows.

"My impenetrable fortress. Now penetrated." He sighs, sadly staring at the ground.

"Good. Now let's get a move on, Kaufmo's room is over here." I hear him chuckle to himself. I'm resisting the urge to bust out of my hiding spot and uppercut him.

As soon as the three start walking again and their backs are turned, I grab Kinger and take off. I eventually run out of breath and me and him walk the rest of the way and find Gangle.

She stares at me, but i'm assuming she's too afraid to ask why I look like I do because of how mad I look.

Immediately after, we all find ourselves staring at a black hole in the floor.

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