Mixed Thoughts..

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"Go on, open the gift!" My mother urges and I look at the gift intently before carefully opening it. For some reason, I was kind of afraid. Dunno why. I finally finish unwrapping it and behold, it's a.... headset?

"Ꝇ¢«˘ and I thought you'd like this, considering you're like, uh.. What is it called again? Oh, well, nevermind that. Merry Christmas." She tells me and I weakly smile.

"Thank you guys, i'll be sure to test it out sometime." I say, glancing back at the headset.

"..When I have time." I quietly murmur. Work has been so hard lately and they've been making me work more hours without getting paid. I want to quit but I just got hired not too long ago.

"What was that?" Ꝇ¢«˘ questions, making me snap back into reality.

"Nothing." I place my gift into the box again and stand up, holding it.

"I should get home now. You know how bad the snow gets. Not to mention work. Thank you guys for the presents! I'm glad you guys liked yours." I chirp before slipping my winter stuff on, y'know, scarf, gloves, coat, whatnot before dashing out of the door and getting into my car.

I sigh, starting the car and slumping into the driver's seat. I've always had trouble visiting that house ever since Dad died in it.

I shake my head, clearing the thoughts before driving off. The snow was starting to get bad, and i'm thankful that I got into my house before it got too bad.

"Hi, Η°¿¿°˘!" I greet, rubbing the head of my dog. She happily barks, leading me to my bed as she doesn't go to sleep without me. Heh.

"Okay, okay, hold on. Let me do stuff first." I say, walking into my bathroom, doing my nightly routine before practically jumping into my bed. I don't bother to change my clothes as i'm too tired. I usually do that every night.

I wonder how dirty my bed is..

"Okay, c'mon, girl." I whistle and Η°¿¿°˘ jumps into bed with me. She usually takes up most of the bed, but that's okay.

* * * * * * *

I pinch the bridge of my nose and look up to my nightstand's clock. See, I have to look up because Η°¿¿°˘ took up so much of the bed that I fell off.

It's 3:34AM.

So much for being so tired, eh?

I laugh at what I said in my head and get up. I actually kind of slept in..
I'm supposed to be at work at 6:00AM. It's a 3-hour drive to work since the studio I work in is in another town.

I let out a sigh and get dressed and blah blah blah, all that other boring stuff I don't want to do.

I pat Η°¿¿°˘ to which she responds with a tail wag before setting off to work tiredly.

"Crap!! I'm gonna be late-! Oh, whatever, I don't even care." I grumble, pressing my foot on the gas lighter, causing the car to go slower out of spite.

* * * * * * *

"I told you you. need. to. be. here EARLIER!! Grah!!!" A random guy shouts, and I ignore him, sipping my cup of coffee. I walk away mid-sentence and go to the part of the animation studio I work in and begin work. I put in less effort in the animation every time I remember me and my co-workers aren't even getting paid for this.

A few hours pass, and it's my 5-minute break.

Yes, you heard me. 5 minutes. I walk to the break room and sit down, brewing myself another cup of coffee. Who needs food? Coffee makes me feel awake.

Out of boredom, I look around the room to see if I can spot anything relatively interesting. My eyes stop on missing posters. I walk over, staring at many faces. I space out again, like I did during Christmas, and a lot of people give me weird looks because who wouldn't at someone staring at missing posters for over 20 minutes? Wait- 20 minutes! I had a 5-minute break! Ugh!

I run with my mug back to my workspace, spilling some coffee along the way. I eventually get there and the same annoying guy is there. I'm not very worried about it until he says,

"You're fired."

I drop my mug and my jaw hangs. Sure, I said I wanted to quit, but I didn't mean it! There aren't even any other positions I can apply for in animation! People crowd around, because one person besides the guy apparently spotted me looking like I saw a ghost and everyone else wanted to see if he was telling the truth.

* * * * * * * *

I drive home, looking very exhausted and drained. I sloppily park next to my apartment and walk inside, not even bothering to greet Η°¿¿°˘.

I go to sit on the couch, throwing my shoes off and acting very grumpy and angry until I spot the headset's box in the corner of the room. I slowly walk over and open it.

"..I'll try it out once." I tell myself, then put it on. I feel numbness in my legs as soon as I do and fall to the floor. All I could hear last was Η°¿¿°˘ barking like crazy and freaking out.

Heya! Hoped you liked this chapter. Starting off slow, but there'll be WAY more interesting stuff in the next chapter! Till next time!
(Also, please don't be a ghost reader, or whatever people call them. Like the story and comment stuff!)

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