Chap 7

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I could feel the void in my life and I wanted to get over it. so I bought an alcohol along the way. I would take a sip occasionally from the 5th bottle I bought. my head twirled as I laughed and staggered along the road drunk, mumbling some strange words to myself as I laughed giggling like an insane man. I got home and saw Ma eating,I went to her giggling and mumbling.

"Pa! Pa! Where are you? I'd like you to come out here if you have the gut!" I shouted hiting my hands on the chest.
"Who's making those useless sounds huh?" he said staring at me in bewilderment.
" I'm the one, Pa, do you remember how you hit Ma, I'm gonna hit you just like that"I said with the bottle in my hand as I took another sip.
"How dare you to challenge me your father, huh?"
"Did I hear you just say father, stop fooling around, have you ever bought for me, clothes or paid for my school fees? Has Titi seen the four walls of a school? huh?" I asked laughing, as I staggered towards him spitting to his face.

"Don't you dare" Pa roared as he briskly held me by the collar.
"Dear womanizer, would you mind getting your hands of my shirt, I got them ironed this morning" I said jeering at him.
"Adejoke, please come inside" Ma pleaded as she drew me to come inside the house.
"Woman, will you let go of him and get inside right now" Pa roared.
"Stop roaring like a lion you ain't, and face me or are you scared of me?" I taunted laughing staggering from one place to another sipping from the glass of liquor.
"I said inside, woman" Pa bawled once more.

Poor Ma what could she do, she had to obey her husband's instruction. Pa focused on me, held me by the collars And yanked me which made me to fall. my black cute set of eyes were blazing at dad, unblinkingly. I was angrily crazy.

"How dare you!" I shouted staggering towards Pa to hit him.

But Pa quick enough he was to grab me by my neck. A blow fell on my mouth. I whirled around like a spinning cover. Pa struck me again on the head with that ironic hands of his. I fell to the ground. unable to stand, Pa got me off the ground as he shoved me violently.

"Stop that Pa" I warned.
"Then never irritate me" he said banging me against the wall.

I pushed him down as I fought tigerishly, I smacked him which might have gotten him surprised, Pa struck me and I dodged. I staggered towards him.

"Stand there boy, I'm gonna teach you a lesson" he said, his face filled with rage, his body vibrating.

I was tired, but I had to fight like I had never fought in my life. Pa struck me with his belt,I screamed in pain, but Pa was fast on me, he lashed me severally across the face which made me scream wildly making Ma come out of the house pleading with Pa to forgive me. but ma was yanked in by Pa, as he locked the house. I ran towards Pa as I threw my right leg for him which gave him a shove, tripping him, as we both fell to the ground. I bit Pa on his hand, we rolled, kicked, scratched and hit as if we're the deadliest thing we had seen. I was profusely bleeding like so bad, man. I was laying helplessly on the ground, but I was happy that I gave Pa a scar. my sight got blur, everywhere spined. Pa kicked me once more which made spew out blood. He left me and went inside. After minutes there was a very heavy rain, it rained so much but no one cared to take me inside so I had to spend the night outside wounded and drenched.

**********         *************         **************
I woke up from the penetrating rays of sunlight. slowly, I fluttered my eyes open. Everywhere seemed blur plus the really bad hangover.

"What the heck am I doing on the ground!" I screamed, dusting myself.
"What happened?" I asked.

Then I remembered all that transpired between I and Pa last night. Oh my! The headache! I was badly injured. My mouth and eyes felt swollen and it hurt real bad. I limped towards the entrance of Pa's bungalow and knocked on the door severally, but it wasn't opened  to me...... really? I needed medication and an aid kit..

"Ma! ma! ma! ma! Titi! Titi! Titi! Emeka! Emeka! Open the door!" I bellowed.

I limped to the backyard and knocked severally but the door wasn't opened to me. Pa was behind this. I quietly went out the streets to the beach, where you'd find couples, men and women enjoying themselves. some well dressed, some half naked. I admired them, my admiration made me wonder why Pa abused Ma. I mean, ma was beautiful and all, she was curvy and had good qualities. I went up to a rocky area where nobody would see me. I let out a sharp cry, as I remembered all I had passed through.... my life wasn't a joke... was it?
I wailed and wept like a new born baby.... where on earth did Pa expect me to go? where would I sleep the night? This was Lagos for Christ sake....a big city at that.
I had no money on me. I glanced at my wrist watch. It was already 10am. I was really getting hungry. I just sat and prayed for a miracle to happen. Pain, restlessness and hunger were really killing me this moment.I wasn't gonna go to work like this..... to do what?
To tell the whole world that my father is a  beast with a wicked soul?.... he still hits a  seventeen year old?.... seriously?
I really needed a miracle, but it is written "heaven helps those who help themselves".
I stood up from where I sat with difficulties. Pa was out for work now, so I could probably sneak out and be outta town. I limped home, there I saw ma and Titi were cooking rice, I just wanted to be out, if I had to show myself to Ma, she would become an emotional freak. I sneaked in through the backyard then into my room.. packed all my belongings and some of Pa's  expensive stuffs all into Pa's traveling luggage. I took everything I wanted. I needed my wounds to be treated. And just as I came, I went out same.

This the longest chap man! (1167 word)
My hands were like damn!
I hate Pa! He's so mean and wicked!
He used belt to hit somebody......ahh!
Adejoke really really endures!
But this world is all full of trouble, isn't it?

So guys..... love y'all😘💝

And from yo favorite teen ass authoress🔰📑.......

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