Chap 3

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I slowly opened my eyes, everywhere seemed dim and dark. I shut my eyes immediately, then slowly fluttered them open. Everyone was present...... Pa, Ma, Titi, Emeka and a lady with a first aid kit, whom I assume to be our personal physician. All were staring at me.

"Why's he here?" I said In pain, amidst tears.

Gosh, I was in pain. I wanted to know what the devil was doing in my room. He should've had mercy.... younno? I was his firstborn son and here he is, the ungrateful fella, was hitting me like was i was some sort of criminal. I mean, every father craved their first fruit to be a boy.
I tried to sit up, but ma prevented me from doing so. She said I needed to rest for the meantime. I glanced at Pa to make out his facial reactions, but he had his expressionless face on.

"Ma these are his drugs..... make sure to buy 'em and give him" the physician said handing a card to her.
"Thank you ma" Ma said.
"I should be on my way now"
"Thanks alot"
"Brother Ade, sorry!" Titi cried, hugging me.

I was In a lot of pain..... but I still hugged her tho. raising my hands were a big deal.

"Pa! You're so mean!" Emeka cried
"Will you shut your mouth, before you end up like him, idiot!" Pa howled.
"Pa, do not lay your fingers on him, just stay out of our business" I screamed angrily.
"You rascal! I'll hit you..... just wait!" He yelled, fumbling with his belt.
"Go on! Hit me Pa! I'm not scared of you. I hate you. You don't deserve to live, you got too much money, but you can't fulfill your fatherly duties..... you won't buy us food...... why did you give birth to us if you knew you wouldn't care for us, huh? hit me all you want! But bear this in mind, you'll regret this! I, Adejoke Chiemelie Francis Onuigbo is telling you this today..... you'll regret it!" I screamed in pain.
"Adejoke, shut up and take your medicine, please!" Ma pleaded, trying to shush me.
"Ma let me  speak!' I yelled, sitting up not minding the pains.
"Just shut up please, he'll hit you again" she whispered.

I understood ma, but seriously, if he had to hit me I'd kiss the earth a goodbye and I still loved my life. Who knows what's going on in Pa's dull-dimmed brain. I could figuratively, see the fumes blowing out of his ear and he was as hell, staring at me like a prey he wished to attack any moment. We had an eye contact, but I turned away quickly scared. making me wonder where the hell, my guts flew to.

"Stupid cow!" Pa screamed, leaving the room.
"Just don't mind him" ma said.

I quietly, took my med that Titi just bought from the nearby pharmacy. It was then that it just clicked, I would be turning 15 next freaking week which was August 22,2005. At least, this got my mood enlightened.

     *****       *****      ******    ******
One afternoon, I and Emeka were playing when I saw a pack of cigarette in Pa's room. I wondered if this cigarette was responsible for Pa's strength and guts. So I decided to have a taste. So I sent Emeka to his room, took up the pack Pa might've forgotten from his wardrobe. I took out a stick, after looking every nook and cranny of the room to confirm if I was not being watched. I hid under the bed with a lighter. I wanted to feel the joy he felt as he stylishly puff the smokes. I lit the cigarette and stuck it into my mouth. I took in the first thick smoke, causing me cough widely as tears ran down my cheeks. I took in the second one, third one and fourth and so on getting me used to it. I now made it a habit and I loved it..... you could dub me an addict.....I really don't care. the thick smoke was what made me love it. it calmed my nerves. I had dropped my job and only associated with those bad boys and they taught me how to pick pocket, flirt and drink alcohol. Once ma was out of home, I will join the gangs to  the beach side..... enjoy the fantastic view. We'd laugh, whisper, joke and point at any passing pretty girl we saw.....and at a time, I had to resume my job in order to fund my cigarettes. so during the evening time, I'd go to the bar and work like from 6pm to 5am in the morning, which would leave me tired and hungry. But the happiest thing about the whole working stuff was the increase in salary. I was now paid a five thousand Naira.... I'd spend some on alcohol and cigarettes and then save the remaining in my saving box....I was a full addict in my 16th year. I was in senior secondary 2 but dropped out due to our financial crisis. I wasn't regular to school but one of the top brilliant kids in school. Well, I was happy because I had the gang. we'd roam the hood.
Ma eventually started to notice my bad habits. She was pretty disappointed in me. She whacked and hit me so hard so that the 'spirit of smoking and drinking' would leave me as she said. she'd hold me by the hands and then pray to God to turn me into a new leaf and make me the 'old him'. Typical African parents.

She stopped me from working, she took my money away to stop me from buying cigarettes.... took my remainder (cigarettes) away from me and then locked me in before she left for work. For months, the cravings for the cigarettes was high and I felt empty. It wasn't easy for me but ma made sure there weren't chances of me smoking... soon after the cravings left.

So Tell me how y'all felt about this chap....... remember fill in the comments.......
A lesson for parents is...... mind yo action in front of the kids.... they're secretly learning from you both yo good actions and the bad......Adejoke learnt the smoking shit from his dad...... so please parents be be careful..... yo children is a gift from God.....

And to my fellow peeps, smoking is dangerous to the health.... the producers knows that....But they have to sell, don't they?

So, anyways, any thought of how I'd improve, huh?
Tell me watya think boutta chap, k?

Love you and have a good day

From your teen authoress,

AdejokeWhere stories live. Discover now