Chapter Twenty Eight: Reunited

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Draco held his hands up, "In my defense, I can't tell you unless I'm under extreme duress. My witch's orders!"

Ominis' smile was extremely apathetic and borderline sociopathic as it sent a shiver down his spine. It wasn't often he was genuinely scared, but this was the High Reeve after all. Torturer extraordinaire. "I'm willing to oblige. Tell me what bones you want broken."

"Ah... None...?"

"Then tell me what happened, Draco. You're still alive right now because I consider you a friend." He brandished his wand, but held it by his side, "If you become my enemy, you won't see a tomorrow."

Draco coughed, "Bloody hell, this sounds like extreme duress. Alright, alright, put your wand away." He grumbled, sticking his hands into his pockets. Hermione would forgive him, right? He lasted a whopping ten minutes. "Weasley used an Unforgivable on Rosemary."

"The Imperius Curse?" Ominis voice was dark with loathing.



"The Cruciatus Curse?"


Ominis didn't ask another question. Instead, a thunderous crack echoed throughout the room as he disappeared from sight. Draco slumped in the armchair, reaching for the bottle of Elf made wine. Might as well drink himself into a stupor before the news broke out that the entire Order was murdered. He laughed to himself humorlessly.

They're so fucked, he thought, bringing the bottle to his mouth, Oh well.

Reunited - DRACO POV

Draco was about halfway through the bottle when the nagging sensation started in his chest. Someone was shouting his first name.



He sighed, wondering why him and Ominis ever put a taboo on their first names for those two witches.

Oh that's right.

The two blokes were in love.

Specifically, to the most obstinate, fierce, annoyingly swotty witches they knew.

Draco took a few gulps from the wine before setting it down and Apparating to the Order's safehouse. The wards were a joke to get through again which meant that someone other than Hermione placed them. He'd had to remember to have a talk with her later.

"Finally!" The first words were shrieked at him, "I've been calling for you."

Draco grimaced, taking in the scene. The great Harry Potter, the Chosen One, the Boy-Who-Lived was currently in the corner cowering with Hermione in front of him while Minerva McGonagall was trying to defuse the situation. Ominis was standing a few feet away with his wand brandished.

"Yes, well. Ominis decided to break into a bottle of Elf-Made wine I've been saving my entire life for a celebration, but it looks like the secrets out now." He noticed the surprise on McGonagall's face with a wry grin, "Professor."

She was silent for a moment, "I understand it now how Miss Granger always had the most astute plans when it came to the Death Eater's next attacks."

Draco winked, "Don't tell her that or she'll get miffed. You know she likes to pretend to be the smartest in the room."

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