Vol 4 | Prologue

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Although the nobles would be losing their 'noble' positions due to this revolution, most knew that long ago when they had been allying with an unknown force. With almost all of them having ties to Tanya, whether socially or economically, they were practically under her orders to do so. Though they would lose their official noble ranking, since they were seen as 'supportive' of the revolution, their wealth and property would remain largely intact, giving them a good start in the new nation.

Suffice to say, the few nobles who did resist found themselves facing mutiny from their citizens very quickly, usually dragged out and tossed over the front gates by their own guards and soldiers. The cowards who didn't even participate in the invasion of Tempest had nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and their heads flew off to the pleasure of those they had ruled over.

Youm, meanwhile, had to deal with the immense pressure growing on his shoulders, growing heavier by the hour. The title of 'Champion' had been somewhat forced upon him, though it was one he took with pride thanks to all its benefits. Yet that title had led him here, where he was bound to take another even more demanding role than a mere 'champion' of the people. Also within the room, handling a few documents and the more bureaucratic side of things, was a woman he learned was named 'Mia, one he had no intention of ever crossing.'

The girl, as he was told by their common subordinates, was effectively Tanya's personal and head assistant in the realm of human affairs. A vibrant blonde hair and blue eyes allowed her to fit right in with the nobles of Falmuth, though she was apparently of humble origins. As humble as being the head of a criminal organization was anyway, not that he was going to complain about an extra pair of hands, and especially not when he himself was also a criminal before meeting Rimuru.

The girl had been a huge help these past few days; everything that Youm didn't know about, she seemed to with ease. It was no doubt because all of this was planned ahead of time by Tanya, possibly months ahead. The only thing Tanya didn't account for was the sheer lack of any defenses stopping them. What was planned to be a violent, but quick, civil war ended up being a largely unopposed march on the capital, startling even the demon.

Youm, exhausted, let out a sigh and leaned against his hands as he gazed out the large glass window to his left. Just outside the castle, he could hear the chanting of the people, all sharing the same cries for freedom and liberty which no doubt had begun to spread across the entire nation - if not multiple, if the intelligence he had been given was anything. The people sang songs, burned flags, and largely celebrated in the streets. Eventually though, Youm knew he'd have to confront them.

Silently, he muttered, "Just what am I going to do now...?"

Mia looked up from her paperwork and shrugged, "Well, elections will be organized and held soon, and inevitably you'll be set as their elected leader. Even if you don't want to run, I doubt you'll be able to escape the pressure. Besides, with your ties to Tempest, you're the only one that could possibly hope to see Falmuth survive in one piece, with the others being former nobles of various fiefs. If you aren't the first leader of the new Republic, Tanya won't hesitate to break it up into dozens of warring pieces, if only to then violently blow the nation to smithereens from within and use it as the world's largest farm field complex."

Youm grumbled, picking up the quill once more, "Yes, I know, but I don't know how to be a leader! Let alone over such a massive and influential country such as Falmuth."

"Well for one, its influence no longer exists. Falmuth's influence had been waning ever since Tempest's trade routes provided a safer and cheaper alternative, losing tens of thousands of gold coins in revenue every passing month. The only hope Falmuth had of stopping that was to either join Tempest as yet another subservient state or crush Tempest in its infancy. As you can reasonably guess, the former wasn't a viable option for the greedy kings," Mia explained, resuming her paperwork.

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