Vol 2 | Chapter 10 | Trembling Skies

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 Souei knelt before Tanya and Rimuru, looking up as he made his report, "Charybdis has fully revived, I have spotted over a hundred Megalodons flying alongside it. We have launched our initial attacks to guide it to the planned combat zone."

"Good work, Souei," Rimuru praises as he turns to the others standing by.

"A hundred megalodons? How did Charybdis summon so many?" Gazel placed his hand on his chin as he questioned it.

Doug steps in from the side, donned entirely in a military uniform fitting of his rank as he speculates, "Corpses perhaps, and lots of them. One megalodon would require enough corpses to be worth an entire lesser dragon. But I'm not sure how they'd go unnoticed."

"It's possible if someone had a skill that specialized in stealth that they could, in theory, sneak in a hundred corpses while we were too busy building up defenses." Tanya muttered with her arms crossed, "Whatever the case may be we can investigate it later, our focus now should be to take out Charybdis, regardless of how many flying sharks it could summon."

"Right." Gazel nodded, "I believe our strategy of using our ground forces to take them out should still work fine."

"Hopefully. We'll lure them to the ground with the large number of ground forces we have. I'll have the tanks redirect their focus to taking down Megalodons rather than being part of the artillery bombardment." Tanya's focus now turned to the large black-furred Orc analyzing a nearby tank inspecting, "Otto!"

Otto turned and quickly made a salute, "Yes, mein Kanzlerin?"

"Did you make sure that all the artillery is in position?"

Otto nodded, "Yes, mein Kanzlerin. All the artillery is ready to fire on command!"

Tanya gestured for him to drop the salute, "Good, order the tanks to focus on the Megalodons instead of Charybdis. It's time for them to get some good target practice."

Otto nodded and quickly ran off to relay orders as Tanya raised her head to the sky above as the roar of Charybdis echoed through the skies.

"Everyone in position! Prepare bombardment spells! Get into formation! We got one chance, let's make it count!"


Charybdis looms in the distance above as the first Megalodons begin to near the artificial front line. In the distance behind them, artillery is heard firing as shells are seen soaring through the air before making the first impacts against the giant beast.

Doug quickly hurries to meet up with Benimaru and Hakurou who stand at the top of a nearby hill, overlooking their forces and the calamity that approached in the distance.

"Your units in position?" Benimaru asked as he approached.

Doug nodded with a tip of his officer cap, "That they are. They're ready to take off once the order to begin is given. If I may ask, what's the point in the artillery barrage so soon?"

Hakurou brushes his beard with his fingers, explaining, "It's best to know your enemy as much as you can before you strike. The artillery is meant to give us an understanding of its regenerative properties before we truly start."

"I see. I understand then." Doug comments as his focus is then drawn to his sister dragging her feet as she follows him.

"Uugh... Can't we start already?! I wanna blow something up!" Stella pouted as her arms crossed, turning around to look at the giant behemoth that she wanted nothing more than to hit with everything she had.

Doug sighed and turned to Benimaru who gave a subtle nod.

"Alright then, you can go. I'll meet up with you in a minute."

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