Beaten Senseless

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I woke up to something tickling my nose. I rubbed my nose absentmindedly, turning over slightly. I heard someone groan beneath me.

“Lou….your elbow….is elbowing me in the stomach,” someone moaned and I quickly shifted back into my stomach, my vision coming back. Harry’s curls obscured my vision, a single strand hanging lower than the rest and ticking the tip of my nose.

“Sorry, babe….” I whispered, the words coming naturally to me as if I had spoken them my entire life.

I heard him giggle sleepily, his strong arms wrapping around my small frame. For once, my size came in handy. My arms were pressed to his chest, secured by his arms. He was gazing down at me groggily, his beautiful green eyes being the first thing I wanted to see every morning for the rest of my life.

I shifted my legs, feeling the sheets tangle around them. Sheets…… I looked around quickly. We were in Harry’s bedroom, cocooned in a mountain of blankets. How had I not noticed before?

“How…….?” I began but Harry just giggled again.

“You know, LouBear, you’re not that heavy.”

My cheeks flushed at the thought of him carrying into his room like I was the youngest. Like I was the child. But I didn’t mind for long. I just snuggled down into his chest.

“What time is it?” he asked, slightly more alert. I shifted my head to the glowing alarm clock on his bedside table.

“Almost one,” I told him he cursed.

“Shit!” he cried, sliding out from under me as gently as he could. The sheets were warm from where had had been sleeping.

“What is it?” I asked, but he ignored me, checking his phone.

“Shit, shit, shit….” He murmured, bringing the phone to his ear.

“Yes…” I heard him say into it. “Yes, I’m sorry…..uh-huh….I understand but…..I will I promise….see you there.” He hung up and quickly pulled his t-shirt up over his head. I had to hold back my gasp as I took in his broad chest, etched with tattoos. He looked amazing.

“Listen Louis, I will be back within two hours okay?” he said, pulling a different shirt that had been strewn on the ground over his head and snapping me out of my trance. “Please, don’t go anywhere okay? And don’t answer the door please. Just, stay put.” I felt a little miffed he was giving me the orders, but he had begun to shed his pants, and soon he was standing there in only a t-shirt and underwear. He quickly shoved a leg into his pant leg and pulled up his jeans until they were barely on his hips. “Please stay,” he pleaded. “I promise I’ll be home soon.”

With that he left without a word, pulling a grey beanie over his curls. I just lay back, the image of Harry almost naked clearly burning in my mind. I was so happy no one could read my mind.

I got up only when the growling of my stomach began to drive me mad. I was relishing the feeling of the warmth of the sheets, the apartment being dreadfully cold. But soon, I pushed the sheets off and stumbled into the kitchen. At some point I must have kicked off my socks because my bare feet were freezing as I padded across the cold tile floor.

I searched the pantry for something to eat, not expecting much. But it was stocked, unfortunately only with ingredients on how to bake something. Nothing for breakfast or lunch in sight. I glanced at the clock. Harry wasn’t due back for another hour or so. I could always run to a Quickie Mart and just grab a couple boxes of cereal. Yea, I would do that.

I felt slightly dirty, re-wearing the clothes I had worn yesterday and slept in-but Harry was so much bigger than me, and nothing of his would fit me. I would look like a little boy walking around in his dad’s clothing.

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