I Have Never Been So Happy To Get Hit By A Car

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That morning I woke up on the couch, Eleanor snuggling against my chest with her arms wrapped around me. I smiled as I saw this, but nothing could keep my mind off of the dream I just had. It was of Harry.

I had gone back to the bakery, and he was there, but it was just us two. He was sitting at a table all alone, eating a cupcake and sipping hot chocolate. He smiled really wide when I walked in a took my hand. He told me to sit, without speaking, and I sat. And we just smiled at each other, drinking hot chocolate. It was never awkward, and we never spoke. It just was and it felt so natural. I would forever have his cheeky smile burned in my memory.  

The cupcake he had made had been extremely delicious. Eleanor had commented she loved them and wanted me to go get more, but I hadn’t really paid her any mind. She wanted me to get more….

“El?” I whispered and she groaned and turned her head. “Eleanor?”

“What?” she grumbled into my chest. It felt slightly uncomfortable and I shifted nervously under her.

“Do you still want those cupcakes?” I asked. She was still groggy with sleep and when she looked into my eyes, I felt the familiar fuzziness, but it seemed dulled by the feeling of looking into Harry’s eyes. I couldn’t understand why I felt this way, but I did. And I more or less accepted that.

“I don’t care,” she said. she smiled and leaned into kiss me, and for some reason I panicked. I twitched away and she looked at me slightly, with a hurt expression. Why did I just do that?

“I’ll go get the cupcakes. What time is it?” she rolled over and looked down at her phone.

“About eleven. Your family will be here at one so hurry back, okay?” she asked.

“Right,” I told, her and she rolled off of me.

I got up, and quickly went to the door, anxious to see Harry. “Louis?” she asked. I turned, almost annoyed. Didn’t she see I wanted to go?

“What?” I almost snapped.

“You’re in your pajamas, haven’t shaved or brushed your hair, no coat, no shoes…….” She began, counting them off on her fingers.

“Oh,” I said, looking down at myself. “Right.”

I dressed quickly and was out of the house within fifteen minutes. It was colder then yesterday, and soon I was shivering. It was one of those days where it looked warm out because the sun was shining so hard it hurt, but at the same time the air was super cold and you wanted to hide inside all day. But I had to go see Harry. Nothing would keep me away from that bakery.

I almost ran the entire way, it was more of a fast walk, burst into a jog, fast walk again and then walk because I was running short of breath, and I needed as much as I could get if I was going to stand a chance at tearing my eyes away from his beautiful green ones.

When I made it to the bakery I hesitated for a moment, almost deciding to turn around and tell Eleanor they were out. But the thought of not seeing Harry again hurt me, so I used all my will power and energy to shove the door open. It opened with a slight tingling of a bell, the place as warm and delicious smelling as yesterday.

I approached the counter, happy to see some of his cupcakes were still on display. They truly were amazing. A man walked out of the kitchen this time, and I deflated like a balloon.

“May I help you?” he asked. He was tall, and very thick. His head was completely bald and shined from the overhead lights. His voice was gruff and scary.

“Um….” I began, taking a slight step back. I couldn’t help myself. “Is Harry here?” I asked quickly, mentally kicking myself for how desperate my voice sounded.

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