"You ordered takeout?" Asked Gyuvin.

"Yeah, you said you like steak." Ricky replied.

"Yeah, but... I thought you're cooking and..."

"Gyuvin ah, I can not cook." Ricky sounded upset. He was really excited about dinner, he thought Gyuvin would appreciate his thoughts and effort but-

"You can make ramen!" Insisted the younger.

"Seriously?" Ricky got a little annoyed too, "You want me to make ramen for you for dinner? Why? You don't like that I got these for you? For us?"

"Of course I do, I just-" Gyuvin took a deep breath, collected himself before continuing, "Ricky, I'm sorry if I hurt you. Really, I would have preferred ramen if that's made by you, but I'm happy with anything." He grabbed Ricky face, then cupped it in his large palms, "What matters is that you though about me while getting these, so it makes me happy."

Ricky seemed to calm down too, well, his heart was beating cause Gyuvin was holding his face so softly! "It's okay, I'm sorry for suddenly getting worked up. I tried to make something for you, but I'm so bad at it."

"Let's make something together next time then." Gyuvin smiled, "And do make some ramen for me."

"Okay." Ricky smiled, it looked so good on him that Gyuvin couldn't but leave a peck on his nose. Ricky instantly felt warm in his cheeks, to hide that, he focused on the food, "Let's dig in, it's gonna go cold otherwise."

"Yeah." Gyuvin agreed, taking a seat. Above everything, the dinner was really delicious. Gyuvin praised Ricky's choice because every other place he had steak from seemed blunt before what Ricky had got. They sipped on some champagne too, but really just tasting it. As they were done, the dishes were put in the dishwasher and they finally went to Ricky's bedroom. Surprisingly, on Ricky's bed, were two sets of nicely folded matching silk pajamas. Gyuvin took one in hand and looked at the other in question, "You even prepared nightwears??"

"Yeah... I mean, I thought couple pajamas would be cool." Ricky felt a tad bit embarrassed. He should have thought it through. What if Gyuvin thinks he's childish and all? However, he saw a flashing smile on his boyfriend's lips, who said, "You're so cute, Ricky ssi!" Relived, Ricky took his ones from the bed, saying, "Alright then, I'll go change."

Gyuvin quickly grabbed his arms, "Where are you going?"

"To change?"

"Where?" Gyuvin shrugged, "You can change here, it's fine."


"We're boyfriends, what are you hesitant about?"

"No, but..." Ricky said, he started feeling shy again. Gyuvin had always been quite bold. In fact, when he said 'sleepover', Ricky should have prepared his mind better.

"Fine, I'll do it for you first." Gyuvin said, and soon, took his jacket off, "Don't be shy, Kim Ricky."

Was it the surname or was it Gyuvin's smirk or was it simply the fact that the younger male habitually took off his shirt, revealing his bare upper body with a faint line on his stomach and some growing biceps- Ricky couldn't take his eyes off. Gyuvin looked so good, with the hair on his back sticking up because of how he took the shirt off. Ricky was staring, at that face and that body, and it boosted Gyuvin's confidence.

"Seems like you like seeing me like this."

Ricky jolted out of his trench, "Ah, yeah- no! I-"

Gyuvin smiled, taking a hold of his shoulders, "Relax, babe. It's me, you can see it as much as you want."

Highway to Heaven 🔞Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz