Gold Blood

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The crew cheers as you board the ship, their moods instantly brightening. As soon as you're on board, Takehiko wraps his arms around you tightly.

"How'd you get off that damn island alive?" The captain asks you, chuckling.

"I'd love to tell you, but it's a bit of a long story," you reply, laughing.

"Well, I guess we'll have time," he grins. "Man, you're grandpa sure is going to be happy that you're alright."

"You talked to him?"

"Of course. He was worried sick. I had to turn the radio off before I went crazy."

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll be thrilled."

"Now," Takehiko sighs. "Let's just get the hell outta here. This place gives me the creeps."

As the ship begins to sail off, you can't help but keep your eyes glued to the fading island. You can no longer see the sand or the palm trees, but somehow, the island has a presence that will never leave you.

"I can't believe she got off the island!" you suddenly hear your grandfather's voice. Turning around, you see Takehiko walking towards you with a radio in hand. "I was nearly about to send another ship, but luckily, she came back."

"Hi, Grandpa," you smile, taking the radio from the captain.

"Hey, pumpkin," your grandpa replies as you walk towards the front of the ship.

"Are you okay?" you then ask him.

"I'm fine. Just worried sick about you."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he tells you. "Are you ready to come home?"

You sigh and bite your bottom lip. You haven't been gone that long, and yet, your heart aches as you remember the man who saved you and let you go. "Yeah," you say, even though your heart says otherwise.

"Doesn't sound like you're all that convinced," he replies, all too perceptively, "What happened out there?"

"Nothing," you answer, shaking your head.

"Come on, Y/N," he urges. "Something must've happened. I'm old, not stupid."

"I found the treasure," you finally confess. "But I didn't get to keep any of it. Instead, I walked away..."

"Why would you do that? I thought you wanted to make your mark on history," your grandpa comments. "Write your book and have your findings in museums."

"I did," you nod. "But then I found the treasure and... and someone else needed it more."

"Someone else?"

"This guy... Katsuki Bakugou, the captain of the ship in all the stories. He's cursed and I think leaving the treasure behind was some kind of closure for him," you explain, hoping your grandfather won't think you're completely crazy.

"Katsuki Bakugou," your grandfather repeats the name thoughtfully. "He's that orphan pirate from the stories, right? The one with the red eyes and the temper to match. I'm surprised the two of you got along."

"Me too," you agree.

"What're you tryin' to tell me, kid? Do you plan on going back and getting the treasure for yourself?"

"I want to help him," you confess.

"Then why not?" he questions.

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you help him? Sounds like the two of you are friends now so that's what friends do, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but he's cursed, grandpa. He can't leave the island," you sigh, looking around to make sure nobody is listening in on your conversation.

"Then it sounds like you've got a big decision to make kiddo. I'm not going to tell you what to do," he replies. "But if you do decide to go back, take the boat and this radio. It's waterproof. I'll stay in contact with you. It's not too late to get what you want."

You pause, your brain working through the pros and cons of his suggestion. But in the end, there's really only one answer.

"Okay, Grandpa. Thanks," you tell him.

"Anytime," he answers, his voice growing softer.

"I'll call you when I get there," you add.

"Alright, kiddo. Safe travels."

With that, you sneak the radio into your pocket and search around. Stealthily, you grab a life jacket, a bag of food, and a flare gun and put it all in a backpack. Then, with a quick glance at the crew, you throw the life jacket into the small boat you used before, climb inside, and cut it free.

"Y/N, where are you?" you hear Takehiko call out. But by the time he sees you rowing away, it's too late for him to do anything.

While he continues to shout profanities at you, you simply give him a final wave before focusing all of your attention on the island. It's a long way away and the waters are choppy, but somehow, you're determined to make it back.

The sky darkens, thunder rumbles overhead, and the winds pick up, but still, you press forward. There's no turning back now. You're on a mission. And finally, after all the muscles in your arms grow weak, your boat hits the sand.

The waves drag your boat further onto the beach, and once the ocean's tide settles, you jump out. But just as your feet touch the warm, familiar sand, you feel a sharp pain in your ankle. Looking down, you see that you've stepped on a sharp rock.

"Shit," you curse, sitting down and pulling the offending object out of your flesh. "Damn it," you groan as blood trickles out of the wound. It's like everything around you is trying to tell you to turn back.

But, after wrapping a piece of cloth around the injury, you press onward, determined to keep going.

You trudge up the sand, past the palms, and finally, you make it back to Bakugou's ship. You walk up the wooden steps, your heart pounding. "Bakugou!" you call out.

"Bakugou!" you repeat when he doesn't answer, but still there's no response.

You make your way across the ship when you suddenly hear the sound of something falling over. You rush in the direction of where it's coming- the captain's quarters- and throw open the door. There, you see Bakugou, a noose around his neck, and a small wooden box tipped over beneath him. His eyes widen as he sees you, and he begins sputtering curses.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" he chokes out.

"What the fuck are YOU doing here?!" you reply, rushing towards the knife sitting on his desk.

"Stop!" he cries out.

You shake your head as you cut the rope holding him up. He falls to the floor, the rope still tightly secured around his neck. "God, you're such a fucking idiot, Bakugou," you hiss, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

"Don't cry," he mumbles, his voice hoarse. "You know that wouldn't've even killed me."

"Well, it would've hurt," you reply, wiping your eyes.

Bakugou sighs. "Didn't I tell you not to come back here?"

"And I told you that I'd miss you. I wasn't lying," you retort, pulling the noose away from his neck.

"Still. You should go," he argues.

"It's too late now," you say as you drop the rope to the ground. "The ship's gone so it looks like I'm stuck h-"

Before you can finish your sentence, Bakugou's lips press roughly against yours and even though it's unexpected, you kiss him back with just as much force.

"Thank you," he whispers once he pulls away, his face mere centimeters from yours.

"For what?" you question him.

"For saving me."

You smile at him. "You're welcome, Katsuki."

{PIRATE'S TREASURE} Bakugou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now