Pirate's Gold

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The next morning, you wake up to a person hovering over you. You try to sit up, but as you do, you hit your head against theirs.

"Ow! What the..."

"Who the hell are you?!" a blonde man yells, rubbing his forehead.

"Who am I? Who are you?!" you scoff. "You're in my tent!"

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asks, ignoring you.

You grumble as you sit up and repeat your question. "Who are you?!"

"I'm Captain Katsuki Bakugou, and this is my island," he responds, still kneeling over you.

Shit, you mutter in your head. This is definitely not how you wanted to meet this guy. All you know about him is that he's ruthless and hot-tempered, probably a result of losing his ship, crew, and no way off this place.

"Okay, Captain," you say as you attempt to sit up in the cramped tent. "Do you think we could both step out of my tent and talk where there's a bit more room since this is your island?"

"You're not going anywhere!" he then shouts over you.

"What?!" You are completely dumbfounded.

"Get out!" he screams. "Now!"

"But that's what I just-"

"Out, I said!" he yells once more.

You sigh and reluctantly step outside. Once there, you turn to him and try to explain.

"Look, I'm not trying to steal your island or anything. I'm an archaeologist looking for-"

"Pirate treasure," he finishes.

"Well, yes," you mutter, realizing this was not going the way you wanted it to.

"Take your poor excuse for a boat and get the hell off my island."


"Get the hell off my island!" he repeats, becoming nastier by the second.

"And if I refuse?" you question him.

"Then I will keep you as my captive," he sneers.

You pause for a moment and think.

"There is no way I'm leaving this island," you tell him.

"Fine. Then you'll be my prisoner until you agree."


He grabs your wrist and leads you through the jungle. You follow him, not having a choice, and notice him staring at the knife attached to your hip. "Give it to me," he finally stops, holding out his hand.

"You're joking," you chuckle.

"If I were, you'd be dead already."

"Oh, wow, aren't we the big, strong captain," you mock him.

"Give me the damn knife," he repeats.

You glare at him. You hate giving up your only weapon, but it doesn't seem like you have a choice. You unbuckle your knife and reluctantly give it to him. He then continues to drag you through the jungle.

After what seems like ages, he guides you to a nasty shipwreck. You look around at the decaying remains, noticing how strange it is. It's almost as if he took the entire thing apart, piece by piece, and rebuilt it again to fit his needs. How long has this captain been here?

He drags you onto the ship and throws you into a cell. "Behave yourself," he growls, locking the door.

"So you're just going to leave me here?" you call out.

{PIRATE'S TREASURE} Bakugou x Fem!ReaderDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu