Eldorado Gold

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After you put your dried shoes and socks back on, you and Bakugou put out the fire and get back on your hunt for the treasure. The cave has begun to feel more and more like a maze.

"What are we going to do if we get stuck in here?" You ask, the concern rising in your voice.

"We won't," he sighs. "Just trust me on that."

You groan as the two of you continue your hike through the dark. After several minutes, Bakugou stops walking.

"What's wrong?"

He doesn't respond.

"Why did we stop?"

"Look up," he says softly, grabbing you by your shoulders.

You raise your head and let out a gasp. Before you is a huge ship turned to solid gold. The light reflects off the ship and the walls of the cave, making the entire place shine.

"It's beautiful," you whisper.

"Yeah, it is," he agrees.

"Is that why you're drawn to the island?" you then ask softly. "Because you see yourself in it?"

"You could say that," he shrugs. "Though, I was always drawn to gold. Guess it's in my blood."

"Pirates," you roll your eyes playfully as you nudge him in the arm.

"Let's go check it out," Bakugou then tells you, ignoring your comment.

You nod and the two of you make your way to the ship. It's absolutely stunning, but it's also quite sad, symbolizing the life Bakugou had before. He had a crew, a ship, a home. Now, he's got nothing but a broken ship, an empty stomach, and an island he can never leave.

As you walk around the ship, you notice something strange. "Katsuki," you say suddenly, turning to face him.


"The water," you begin. "It's starting to rise."

"Shit," he curses as he glances down and notices the water has almost risen above the tops of his boots.

"What's happening?"

"The tide is coming in," he answers. "Get on the ship. We'll search inside. But if the cave starts to flood, we will have to swim out."

You nod and follow Bakugou onto the ship. Once the two of you are on board, the water rises even higher. However, you do your best to ignore it and begin your search for the treasure.

"This thing is fucking huge," you say after a moment.

"Yeah," you agree. "I don't remember it being this big."

After that, you and Bakugou part ways, beginning your hunt for the treasure.

As you look around, you realize how massive the ship is. The inside is almost as large as the outside. It's filled with rooms and hallways, and each room has a purpose. You explore your way downstairs to the bottom floor.

"Hey, Katsuki," you call out. "What did you say happened to your crew?!"

But there's no response. He must be too far away to hear you. But you thought all his crew got lost with the ship. If they're not here, they must've really drowned to death. Besides, it's not like anyone could survive down here forever.

"Katsuki," you try again, raising your voice a little.

Still, nothing.

You decide to walk back to the top deck and look for him. However, before you can even take two steps, the water below you splashes and something grabs your ankle. You scream and fall forward. You land on your stomach and hit your chin on the ground.


There's no answer.

You try to crawl away, but the creature grabs your other leg and yanks you back. You scream and thrash around, but it doesn't do any good. Whatever has a hold of you isn't letting go.

"Bakugou, help me!"

But once again, there's no answer.

The water is getting higher and higher. And soon, your whole body is submerged. As the water rushes past your ears, you can hear the sound of bubbles. Your lungs are burning, and you're losing the last bit of air left in your chest.

"Please," you whimper, hoping to whatever gods are out there that Bakugou can hear you.


After Y/N walks off, I lean against the side of my golden ship and sigh. I'm so sick and tired of this fucking curse. My whole life has been shit, and now, the one thing I want, the one person I want, is about to leave me. I can't even do anything, either, because I'm literally turning to gold.

I glance down at my arm and notice that the curse has spread. I clench my fist and punch the wall of the ship.


As the pain should be traveling up my arm, I can't help but notice that I still feel nothing.

"Damn it," I growl as I slam my other hand into the ship.

"Katsuki!" I hear Y/N's voice call out to me.

I don't turn around. I'm sure she's just calling to talk about some stupid words she found on the ship probably written by me when I was in a pissy mood.


The panic in her voice is evident, but I still don't move. Maybe she'll come to me instead.

"Bakugou, help me!"

My heart is racing. Something's wrong.

I push myself off the wall and run in the direction of her voice. I race to the bottom level of the ship. I can't see her anywhere.

"Y/N," I yell, scanning the area.

"Bakugou, help!" she calls out.

"I'm coming, princess," I yell back as I start running again.

Just then, I notice the water level rising in the ship.

"Shit," I curse.

I'm not going to make it. I have to get to her before she drowns. Or worse.

"Y/N, where are you?"

"Bakugou, please!"

Her cries echo through the halls. I have to keep going.

I rush around for as long as I must until I finally find her, choking and gasping for air on the water-covered ground as she gets dragged away by something in the darkness. I rush to her side, but as I do, something stands between us. A man with brown locks and a black bandana tied around his head stands before me. His skin has almost a golden tint and he's unshaven.

"Hey there, cap," he says, his voice raspy and deep. "It's been a while."

{PIRATE'S TREASURE} Bakugou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now