Aztec Gold

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"What does it say?" Bakugou asks, his tone calmer as he takes a step closer to you to show you the new markings on the map.

What you see are four symbols, drawings of four different pictures.

The first is a ship with billowing sails and a skull-and-crossbones flag, signifying the legendary pirate ship, you explain to him as you point it out.

The second is a locked treasure chest, suggesting something hidden or protected.

The third, a depiction of a cave entrance partially obscured by vegetation and shadows, conveying the concept of a secret or hidden location.

Lastly, a representation of the sun at its peak on the summer solstice day, symbolizing the specific and rare event required to unearth the treasure.

Somehow, this old map knows exactly where the Captain's treasure is hidden. You look at the captain, and your eyes meet. A spark flashes between you, and your heart skips a beat.

"So, what's the meaning of the code?" he asks you.

"A pirate ship, a locked treasure, a cave entrance, and a sunny day. It's as simple as that," you answer him. "I'm willing to bet on the summer solstice, that's when we should find the treasure."

"But how will we know where to look?" he continues to question.

"We'll just need to figure out what part of the island this map is referencing," you state confidently.

"But this island is huge. We don't have time for that," he grunts, becoming agitated again.

"I'm sorry, do you have a better idea?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Then let's start looking. It's the only way."

With that, the Captain turns on his heel, heading back toward the ship. You follow closely behind, hoping your guess is right. But before you can get back, a group of unshaven men jump out before the two of you.

"Thieves," Bakugou grinds his teeth.

"We've come for the treasure," the apparent leader, a tall, broad man, says, his eyes darting to the map in Bakugou's hand. "Show us where it is!"

"Do you really think I'll just let you make off with what's rightfully mine?" Bakugou sneers.

"I think you have no choice," the man threatens as he nods to something behind you. Then, before you can even react, a knife is placed at your throat. You gasp and look at the map in the Captain's hand. If you don't get your hands on it, he'll surely let these strangers kill you.

"Give us the map," the thief demands.

"Never," Bakugou spits.

"Then we'll kill her," the leader threatens as one of his lackeys holds the knife closer to your neck.

"You'll never find it without the map," Bakugou says, taking a step toward the leader.

Just as tensions escalate to a dangerous level, Bakugou's fiery resolve takes over. In one swift movement, he pulls out your knife and lunges at the thieves with an intensity that catches them off guard. With some seriously good precision, he slits the throat of the man holding you hostage, knocking the weapon to the ground.

Before the others can react, Bakugou has disarmed and killed all three remaining men. As the bodies fall, the last man standing, their leader, grabs his weapon and aims it at the Captain's heart.

You stumble back, your heart pounding. He just saved your life at the cost of his own. You've never seen anyone fight like that, and you're stunned at the sight.

"I-I'll kill you!" the leader shouts.

"Go on, pull the trigger then. Put me out of my misery," the Captain groans as your foot knocks against the knife that was previously at your throat.

"Gladly," the thief snarls, ready to fire.

You have no idea what's coming over you, but as you watch him about to shoot, you grab the knife and throw it as hard as you can, aiming for the head of the thief.

The blade buries itself into his skull, and his arm falls to the side as he crumples to the ground. You stand frozen, your eyes wide as you realize what just happened.

You didn't know you had that in you.

As the dust settles and the threat is neutralized, you fall to your knees, shaken by the close call. Bakugou, his anger momentarily replaced by concern, rushes to your side, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks.

You can't speak, you just nod slowly, taking a moment to process what just happened.

"I had no idea you could do that" he grumbles as he extends his hand.

"Neither did I," you confess as you take his hand and stand back up.

"You saved my life," he says, still shocked himself.

"Don't mention it," you reply with an attempt at a smile. "I've never killed someone before."

"You'll get used to it," he tries to comfort you, but it does little to ease the nausea welling up inside you.

"I hope not," you whisper. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Take a minute, Princess. Catch your breath."

"God, you've got to stop calling me that. It only makes me feel worse."

"Fine, what's your name then?" he asks, clearly annoyed.

"Oh," you hum softly, looking up at him. Had you really not told him your name before now? "It's Y/N. L/N Y/N."

"Okay, well, now that we've introduced ourselves, let's get moving. We've wasted enough time already."

You nod, your head still swimming from the earlier excitement. This isn't your first time on an adventure, but you've never come face-to-face with death like this before.

You follow Bakugou's lead as he continues his march toward the ship, your thoughts racing with questions and doubts. You're not sure how all of this is going to go down, but one thing's for certain; things are only going to get more complicated from here on out.

{PIRATE'S TREASURE} Bakugou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now