Monkey king vs gentleman

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Koto: alright everyone. It's time for the first round to begin. Fighters, please make your way to the arena. (Johnathan and mori head in from opposite sides)

 (Johnathan and mori head in from opposite sides)

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(From record of ragnarok)

Johnathan: *i have to be careful of the water i gotta stay in the center while also being careful of my opponent. He seems to be capable of more danger than he's letting on.*

Mori: *i sure am excited*

Koto: (koto has a small flying pad in the middle if the arena and she's currently on it.) are both fighters ready? (Johnathan and mori nod their heads.) then FIGHT!

Johnathan: (mori runs at him full speed without using nyoi-bo |the pole|) *if he isn't using his weapon immediately neither will i* |the luck pluck sword| (johnathan starts breathing and launches a zoom punch to mori which as mori was under the impression he was still out of range.)

Mori: *what? How?* (johnathan hit's another zoom punch which mori takes on purpose.) *i see it. He dislocates his shoulder and using this weird technique to give him more range. Clever* (johnathan tries a zoom punch again but mori ducks it and gets close.) renewel taekwondo: arang (mori bends his right arm vertically and hit's johnathan in the stomach with an elbow.) *perfect* renewal: baek-rok (mori follows up the elbow with a strong verical kick to johnathan's jaw. Johnathan stays standing and recovers and dishes out a high diagonal right punch to mori's head which makes him slide backwards.) *the muscle aint for show.* bo-bup (mori uses a technique which makes him so fast it's almost as if mori teleports. Before johnathan could even register that mori was in front of him, mori hit's johnathan with mach punches which consists of punches as fast as mori can dish out. Mori goes for an extremely low side kick to johnathan's ankle which make johnathan fall. As johnathan is falling he puts his palms on the floor.)

Johnathan: sendo hamon overdrive (johnathan sends a ripple through the floor which touches mori and sends him flying away. Mori gets up from the floor as johnathan is charging right at him. Johnathan hits mori with a barrage of punches which mori is barely able to block. Johnathan charges up a hamon infused right upper.)

Mori: nigawa kick (mori hit's Johnathan with a kick as he's backflipping, which stuns johnathan. As soon as mori lands he dashes in and hit's johnathan with a three stage hwechook, which consist of a spinning back kick with his right leg to the chin, a spinning back kick with the left leg to the side of the face and finally ending it with a horizontal front kick witht he right leg to the back of the head. It shakes johnathan's brain, which stuns him.) soksa (mori hits johnathan with a standing left knee to the back of his head which sends johnathan to the ground.)

Koto: AND HE IS DOWN (koto starts counting to ten as everyone in the back are impressed by mori. Johnathan stands up at 8.)

Johnathan: (johnathan starts breating in a weird pattern.) my heart resonates! The heat's enough to burn! The beat if my blod is razor-sharp! (Johnathan runs at mori and before mori hits johnathan, johnathan goes for hamon infused rapid punches.) SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVE! (johnathan keeps punching and punching and that keeps up for a good 8 seconds until Johnathan winds up a right upper and sends mori flying to the other side of the arena.) i'm going to win no matter what! (Johnathan unsheathes the luck pluck sword and infuses it with hamon. Johnathan run's at mori and tries to hit mori with a sword thrust which mori dodges to the left for. Johnathan then goes for a sweep which mori jumps over and johnathan goes for another sweep which mori bends all the way backwards for.)

Mori: *i haven't given it my best yet but i might have to be careful if this keeps up.*

Johnathan: scarlet overdrive! (Johnathan uses his left hand which he took off the sword to hit mori with a fiery hamon fist while mori is leaning backwards which smashes mori into the ground and makes a small crator.)

Koto: AND MORI IS DOOOOWN (Koto starts counting again but mori get's up at 5.)

Mori: phew that one actually hurt a lot. (Mori finally grabs his pole but he pushes it into the ground and it stays upright.)

Johnathan: *he isn't using the pole?* (johnathan had taken some  distance by now.)

Mori: yeah that sure takes off alot! (Mori dashes at johnathan so fast he couldn't even see it and mori hadn't even used bo-bup.)

Johnathan: T-TOO FAST!  (Mori hit's johnathan with mach punches and sends Johnathan sliding back.)

Mori: mori jin original: blue dragon kick! (A blue dragon appears from mori's right leg. Mori does a arching spin kick to fire the dragon at johnathan. Johnathan runs at the dragon and cuts it half with the sword as the dragon runs into the sword, but the sword shatters right as the dragon is gone. Johnathan lost mori until he sees that mori is high in the air.) mori jin original: twin dragon kick. (Mori fires a blue dragon down at Johnathan, which he uses a hamon infused right punch to try and stop it. However as johnathan is struggling the 2nd dragon flies into johnathan's chest making him crash into the ground and bounce off of the hard ground. Mori appears at the ground as johnathan is still in midair from the bounce about waist level.) and now the finish. Fangs (as johnathan is waist level mori hit's johnathan with a double downward elbow strike which makes johnathan crash into the ground once more and make a small crator.)











Koto: WE HAVE A WINNER! (mori stands there victorious.)

Mori: *i may not have gone all out but you sure were tough, johnathan!* (mori retrieves his pole and walks to the back where the other fighters are . Mori looks at the bracket, which hasn't updated yet.)

Mori: goodluck to you two (he looks at itadori and sensui

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Mori: goodluck to you two (he looks at itadori and sensui.)

Sensui: *i don't believe i have made it clear that i was sensui. How does this kid know?*

Itadori: ah thank you. Great fight by the way those dragons were sick!

Mori: haha thanks! (Mori stands there being happy about being looked upon as strong by the other fighters.)

Itadori: i wont let you outshine me though! (Itadori bashes his fists together.)

Mori: do your best!

Sensui: *fool. Wishing luck on your enemies is ridiculous. Won't get you anywhere. Now time to carry out my plan step by step, starting with beating this insignificant fool.*

To be continued

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