"Hey, Carmen... How are you?" I ask awkwardly.

"Fine... You?"

"I was worried, but now I think I'm okay..." I say and after a short pause I sit on the couch. "You know I'm really sorry, right?"

"Yeah." She says quietly. "I know."

"If I had just--"

"Hey. Don't blame yourself, you weren't the one who stabbed me. It was my fault I pushed you away when I was embarrassed, okay? I was the one that told you to go away. I'm sorry." I get up and hug her awkwardly, considering she's laying down and I'm standing.

"I was so worried." I whisper. We hear a knock on the door and jump apart, startled. Morgan walks in and smiles.

"Is it my turn yet, pretty boy?"

"Oh. Yeah, of course." I say and hurry out, pausing at the door to turn and look at Carmen one more time.

~Carmen's POV~

"Hey, Morgan." I say, smiling through the pain.

"How you holding up?"

"Considering I just got stabbed, I think I'm doing pretty good, you?"

"We were all a little shaken up, especially Reid." He admits, then smiles. "Hey, wanna see something funny?"

"Sure." I reply and he pulls out his phone, showing me a picture of Reid and I on the couch at Hotch's when we were babysitting, all cuddled up. "Where did you get that?" I ask, almost laughing at how peaceful Spencer looks.

"That's classified." He responds with a wink.

"Okay, hotshot. Send in Hotch when you get a chance, will you?"

"Sure." He says and leaves. A moment later Hotch walks in and I question him about taking a certain picture when two certain people where asleep. He smiles.

"Wow, what's that you got there on you face?! Is that a... Smile?" I ask sarcastically.

"Hey, I smile!" He says defensively.

"Sure you do." There's a knock on the door again and I sigh. "Not another one, how many people did you tell, Hotch?" I ask.

"The whole office. Expect to get a phone call from Garcia soon to check in on you." I sigh again as JJ walks in and Hotch leaves.

"Hey, Carmen. Don't worry, I won't be long." She says and sits down on the couch.

"No, it's okay, just really tired from surgery." I reply and she smiles.

"That's typical."

"Hey, JJ?"

"Yeah?" She responds.

"Why is everyone so worried about me?"

"Well... A little bit ago we had an agent get shot in her apartment by a suspect from one of our cases. She kinda got paranoid and eventually left the BAU. Their afraid you might do that."

"Are you?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Elle was tough, some people even called her bulletproof, but I think that you've got something this department hasn't seen in a while."

"What's that?"

"Hope." She says with a slight smile. "Hope that we're making a difference, hope for a better world." It's silent for a second while we think about this.

"Thanks for telling me, JJ." I say.

"Of course. It's not like a secret or anything. But now tell me something?"

"Sure." I reply hesitantly.

"How are you and Spence? I heard you kinda got into a fight right before you got stabbed."

"Oh. Yeah. He was wondering if I had the 24 hour flu or something like that and he was analyzing the symptoms and I puked and he was really concerned and I just kinda blew up and told him I was on my period and then told him to get out." I say in one breath. "I totally screwed up."

"No, I'm sure it's alright, guys just really don't understand that unless you tell them point blank. Even my husband does that and we've already had Henry, my son, so you'd think he would get it." I laugh a bit at that.

"Is it hard sometimes, having a kid at home when your at work?"

"Sometimes, especially when I miss important times in his life, but it's all worth it when I see what a gentleman he's going to be when he grows up and all the times he runs up and hugs my legs or tells me about something new going on." She says with a smile.

"That's so cute. Is your husband good with him?"

"Will is super cute with Henry. You should have seen the look on his face when Henry first said dada. You know, you'd be great with kids, have you ever considered it?"

"Well, I know that I want kids eventually, but I'm really nervous to have them, I mean. There's so much that can go wrong."

"Yeah. I was worried about that too but seeing Henry for the first time and seeing him smile at me made everything worth it."

"Yeah. Thanks for that. Hey, JJ, do you think Spencer will ever forgive me?"

"Of course. Spence has a big heart, he'd forgive you for anything. I think he really likes you."

"Thanks, JJ."

"Anytime. Hey I gotta head back to Henry, though. I left him with a babysitter. You get some rest, okay?"

"Yeah." I reply and she's gone.


Hey everyone! Sorry for all of the POV change in this chapter! Thanks for reading it anyway and if you liked it make sure to vote and comment!

How did you like Spencer and Carmen's conversation? Do you think Spencer will forgive her? What was your favorite part?

Thanks again for reading and to all of you guys that commented and voted on my previous chapters here's a big thanks from me!!! 🙋

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