The Escape (Part 1)

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Chapter 12

He was still on the other side of the room how am i going to survive this one? God please help me!

I need a fucking plan and like... really fast... i took off my sandals faster than i could possibly do when i looked up Keith was almost near me! so i started to run around the room to escape him

"You think you can flee from me? I'm faster than you and a lot stronger i play basket for crying out loud!" he said as a matter-of-fact

I know i can run faster than him because when i was bullied in my 1st grade i used to run a lot actually so i have speed... what i don't have is a lot of strength... and i think he knows it too i'm fucked bye world!...

"I don't care if you play basketball or not, i like basket actually... but that's not the point, i know i run faster than you!" i said a little bit challenging hehehe This is going to be fun

The others just stared to see who was going to be the first to break eye contact

Keith started to run towards me i ran to the door and slammed it open and ran to the hall way

Keith was trying to reach me and was smiling and seemed to be enjoying

He was getting closer

"You run faster than me?! Ha... you wished!" he stated

And almost grabbed me.

At that i speeded up and left him eating my dust the others were following right behind us and were startled that i actually ran faster than them even in my bare feet.

I need to find some place were i can rest a little and plan what i'll do. But i don't know this castle... fuck they played here hundreds of times i'm not going to survive today!

After that, i somehow lost them and i went to a room. Zain was there he gave me some shorts that were knee length (yeah i like those i can move faster and better!), sneakers and a top with the six kingdoms logo on. I went to the bathroom fast. I already had a sports bra on so i dressed the rest, put my hair in a ponytail and got out

Zain also gave me three water guns... SWEET! One was small i put it on my back hidden and the other one was like a G3 'It's a fucking G3 of water!', the other was a normal pistol like the ones the police usually use.

√(ÕuÕ)\ 'Give it to me pwease?'

(û.û) 'My pleasure, Lady Andy!'

He handed me a belt and there i put a bottle of water ammo for my G3, the pistol and respective ammo. I drank some water and Zain also gave me a little gadget that showed a map of the castle as well where i stood and where the princes were, it was like a wrist watch!
(In the photo, let's say the smallest one is what Andy have hidden, the second smallest it's the one on the belt and the other was on her hand and had a stripe to put around the shoulder)

This is going to be a hell of a war! Muahahaha!!!


Keithykins: finally you put us in your a/n Andy

Andy: yeah yeah quit it!

Ed: So our fine readers hope you enjoyed this chapter

Robbie: Yeah i'm excited to see who's the one to catch her! I hope that's me!

Keithykins: Ha you wished i'm going to be the one catching her

Andy: Boys boys cut it! So hope you enjoyed

Wills: Don't forget to vote

Andy: That's not really necessary i don't like to beg votes but it lets me know if you liked ir or not so... See you all Tuesday k?

All: Bye bye

Andy: Geez they're stealing all my sentences √(-_-')√

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