Chapter 2

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A year ago my grandmother and grandfather came to live with us out of pour health my grandma has diabetes has my grandpa and my grandpa has a thing that we called little crises that make him look like a little kid like when he does something he shouldn't while on that period of time and when we reprimand him he whould pout and start doing it again like we haven't said anything (in the illness, his brain is slow so he doesn't control his body that well).

My grandma the only thing she has is bad temper and stubbornness it's all.

They make my parents and almost my life like hell, but now it's only my grandma because my grandpa it's in a home specific to old people who don't have any family or have to be taken care of 24/7.

Now back to my normal day of school nothing really happened, i felt a little dizzy but i thought that when i got home i would eat something and be fine, but when i was walking i felt that dizziness creeping out again and saw everything around me starting to get black and when it hit me i had already collapsed.

I started to feel councious again of what was around me. I felt i was under soft and fluffy covers and on a big and soft bed.

I didn't remember laying on a bed... or even falling asleep, but i wanted to sleep more so i turned to the other side to continue when i heard a sudden gasp and felt someone or something watching me, i slowly opened my eyes and...

A/N: Cliff hanger (it writes this way isn't it?)
So what do you think it's going to happen? What will she see? Hahaha you have to wait for another chapter!! Bye bye

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