Their meeting part 2 (Chapter 5)

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As they were continuing to walk in the living room, the three young demons seemed that they still hadn't warmed up to each other, and the three were still avoiding each other's stares. After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached the living room, and the three grandparents were helping their grandsons to be seated before they had seated themselves. As they all settled down in the living room, the three young demons still seemed shy and unsure around each other. After a few minutes, the room was filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity, and the three grandparents were doing their best to ease the tension and encourage interaction.

Sullivan, Levi, and Belial exchanged knowing glances, silently communicating their support for the upcoming meeting. They knew that it might take some time for the grandchildren to open up and become friends, but they were confident that this gathering would be the start of a special bond. The atmosphere in the room was a blend of anticipation and wonder as the young demons began to exchange hesitant smiles and greetings. They were starting a new chapter, one filled with the potential for lifelong friendships and shared adventures. As the adults watched their grandsons temporarily engage with each other, they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride and satisfaction.

It was a moment of hope and promise, a testament to the power of friendship that would grow among these young demons as they started this new journey together. Sullivan, Levi, and Belial, seated together in a show of unity, exchanged subtle nods and reassuring smiles. They had all known each other for a very long time, and their bond was as strong as ever. These three greats had been through numerous trials in the demon world, and now their grandsons had the chance to forge their own connections. Iruma, Leiji, and Razberry remained seated, their eyes darting around the room as they processed the unfamiliar surroundings and faces.

Their initial shyness began to give way to curiosity as they observed one another cautiously. The room, decorated with intricate demon art and antique decor, held an air of elegance and mystery that fascinated the young demons. Layla, who had accompanied Iruma, couldn't contain her excitement any longer. With a joyful yip, she jumped onto Iruma's lap and began to playfully paw at Razberry's and Leiji's tails. Her boundless energy was infectious, and it drew out the first hesitant giggles from the young demons. Sullivan, noticing the change in atmosphere, decided to break the ice further.

"Iruma, Leiji, Razberry, it's wonderful to see you all here together. Today is a day for a new beginning and the chance to make friends who will be with you for a long time." Levi added, "And don't worry if it takes a little time to get comfortable. Sometimes, friendships start with small conversations and shared moments." Belial chimed in, "We're all here to support you, guide you, and watch you grow. It's a special day, and we hope you enjoy it.With the reassuring words of their grandparents, the three young demons began to engage more openly. Iruma's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he finally summoned all the courage to ask.

"Leiji, Razberry, what do you like to do for fun?" Leiji and Razberry exchanged glances, and a small smile formed on Razberry's face. "We like exploring the Demon Realm, finding hidden places, and having adventures. It's always more exciting with friends." Iruma's face lit up with excitement. "I love adventures too! And Layla is a great companion for exploring. We should go on an adventure together." Layla, hearing her name, wagged her tail enthusiastically. The initial tension in the room had melted away, replaced by a growing sense of camaraderie and shared interests.

The room was now filled with the chatter and laughter of new friends. As the day continued, the three greats watched with pride as their grandsons embarked on this exciting journey of friendship. The bonds being formed in that moment were sure to last a lifetime, just like their own enduring friendship. The legacy of the three greats lived on, not only in their power but also in the connections they had fostered among the younger generation.

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