Iruma have new friends? (Chapter 3)

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A few months have passed since Iruma's birthday, and he is now enjoying his time with his new friend Layla. They were running around the manor when they reached his grandfather's office. They were about to leave when Iruma heard his grandfather and Opera mention his name, and he heard them say a word that he wasn't familiar with. A word that was foreign to him, the word friend, caught his attention and made him wonder what the word was. He eventually dismissed the thought he had, didn't mind it, and resumed playing with his friend in his room.

The two were playing different kinds of things together, like Iruma was talking to Layla as if she were another demon in his age and talking various things till Iruma said something that he wished that he had other friends other than Layla so he would not be lonely anymore. Iruma's distress was felt by Layla, and she knew that she had to do something, so she licked Iruma's hand, which made him chuckle because he felt something a little ticklish, and they continued playing till they were already worn out themselves and had fallen asleep in his bed.


Opera was currently cleaning around the manor when they saw Iruma playing around with Layla in his room, which made them think that their young master doesn't have any companions around his age, which made them really concerned. So, they decided to voice their concern to their master, Sullivan, after they had already cleaned the whole manor. After an hour, they had already finished cleaning and immediately went to Sullivan's office, knocked on its door, and went inside.

"Opera, what makes you come here during this time? Do you need something?" Sullivan asked when he saw Opera come into his office. "Actually, Sullivan Sama, I'm concerned about something," Opera said hesitantly. "What is it? You can tell me everything," Sullivan assured his servant. "Sullivan sama, I know that it wasn't my place to ask you something about Iruma sama, but I was concerned that he doesn't have any companions around his age," Opera said, which made Sullivan think of Opera's concern.

"*Sigh* Yeah, you are right, Opera. I think it's time for Iruma to meet other children'' Sullivan agrees to what Opera said earlier. "But Sullivan sama, which demons do you think that you could let Iruma sama meet them without them revealing Iruma sama's existence? "Opera asked in confusion, "Opera, there are demons in my mind; don't worry about it; they've already known about Iruma's existence since his birth, and they also have grandchildren that were at Iruma's age, and I know they would be good friends''Sullivan reassured his butler.
Opera understood and believed what their master's was saying, but it made them confused about the kind of word that their master mentioned earlier. The word of a friend that they are not familiar with, but when they saw the time, they decided to disregard what their master's unfamiliar words had just said earlier and go to their next job.


A few days have already passed since Opera consulted their master about their concern about their young master, and Sullivan is currently at the 666th floor of the Babel Tower with a meeting with the 13th crown and the great three, who were currently sitting at a round table discussing something 'important' more like bragging about their grandchildren to each other like they usually do. A few minutes have passed, and three have already told their grandchildren and left them quiet for a while. This quietness has given Sullivan the opportunity to tell his friends about his plan: "Guys, can you do me a favor?" Sullivan breaks the quietness that they have.

"Yeah, what is it?" Levi answered to her friend with a sound of curiosity in her voice. "Actually, I have been thinking for the past few days that it is already time for our grandchildren to meet each other. What do you guys think?" Sullivan tried to suggest his plan with his two. "But why, though? You have said you would hide Iruma till he was old enough to protect himself," Belial asked his friend, wondering why his friend had suddenly changed. "Actually, my butler Opera has told me that they have noticed that Iruma has been alone if he is just with Layla, especially that I'm too busy to be there for him all the time, and Opera has also got work to do around the manor, so this made me think when Opera mentioned this that I'm being too selfish if I would let my grandchild be lonely till he is old enough," Sullivan explained to his friends, which made the two smile and think to themselves, "He truly loves and cares for his grandson.

"Okay, fine, I'll do it," Levi told her friend as a sign that she was agreeing to his plan, which was followed by Belial's nod. "Seriously, guys?" Sullivan asked once more, as if he were confirming his friend's answers. "Yeah, we agree, especially that my grandson Leiji might not have made his friends on his own because he is still too young and still has not learned the importance of other people," Levi told her friend. "Yeah, I agree. I admit that my grandson is too chaotic for his age. Our grandsons might have changed a little bit if they'd already met each other," Belial said while agreeing with his friend Levi.

While the two were talking about their grandsons, it made Sullivan chuckle a little bit, which the two heard, and the two started at Sullivan, like they were telling him, 'heyyy, don't chuckle there' that made him stop chuckling and started to go back on the topic that they had earlier. "Anyways, when do you guys think that they would be able to meet?" Sullivan asked the two, which made them think for a few minutes. "How about this weekend?" Belial asked the two, which made them also agree with his idea.

I know that in the one shot, the three met when they were 6 years old, but I've decided to make it three years old; their meeting would be in the next chapter.

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