On The Other Side (Chapter 2)

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It was also on the 14th day of October when Kalego was suddenly summoned by the head of the Naberius clan; he was now kneeling in front of him as a sign of respect to his elder. The sudden summoning from the head kept Kalego thinking why he was being summoned so suddenly when he knew to himself that he did every single job that was given to him perfectly. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the head talked. "Kalego, I am well aware that you still do not want to have a lover, but please, you need to find someone for your own good," the head of the Naberius clan told their great-grandchild Kalego.

"Sire, even though I wish to have one, do you think that someone would want to be with me?" Kalego tried to argue in the head. "Kalego, you must try harder to find the right person for you. You know that I'm too old now, Kalego, and my days are already numbered. We couldn't know when my life would end, and I know that sooner or later it will happen. I just wanted to see you happy with someone you love before that happened," the head told his great-grandson with his eyes filled with sadness. Kalego knew that his great-grandfather just wanted the best for him and the entire clan, and he would do everything that he could to make him happy, but he just couldn't do it, at least not now.

He didn't know why or how, but there was a feeling inside him that told him that there was a demon who would be his destined one. The one who loved him forever and will not be betrayed just like what his past lover did to him, his thoughts once again interrupted by his great grandfather. "Are you well, Kalego? I sense your unease. Am I pushing you too hard?" the head says, filled with concern in his voice. "Yes, sire, I'm alright. I'm just thinking about something. I deeply apologize to make you worry," Kalego reassured his great-grandfather.

"You are dismissed, my dear. I know that you are already tired from your work earlier, but please do think about what I've said to you, my dear," the head told him while preparing to stand up and leave. "Yes, sire," Kalego answered as he waited for his great-grandfather to be able to leave the room. Once he saw that his great-grandfather had already completely gone from the room, he finally stood up from being kneeled. "*Sigh* I wonder how I will find a lover if no one even likes me and wants to be with me,Kalego whispered to himself as he was walking towards the door, leaving the manor.


It was already the next day, and Kalego was now at work as a teacher in one of the most prestigious schools, and one of the three great schools that was under them was named Bablys. He was at the teachers' lounge grading his class's assignment with his old companion since they were still students at the same school that they had been working at. "Ohhhh, there you are, Kalego. I'm trying to find you when I didn't see you on our usual spot," his old companion named Balam told him. "Ohhh, right, sorry, I forgot. I was kind of busy grading my class's assignments." Kalego apologized while scratching his neck.

"That's okay, Kalego. I know how serious you are about your job, but can you tell me what happened when the head suddenly summoned you as your punishment for forgetting our meeting?" Balam was trying to get the information out of him. "Hey, don't laugh when you hear it, okay?" Kalego tried to make him not laugh when he heard the reason, and Balam nodded as a sign of agreement. "The Head wishes for me to find a spouse sooner rather than later," Kalego confessed with a sigh to his old companion. "Seriously? But you're not that old, Kalego. Finding a partner isn't impossible," Balam asked Kalego with confusion in his voice.

"To be honest, Shichiro, the head wants to meet my chosen spouse before his time comes to an end." Kalego is trying to oppose what his old companion has just said. "Yeah, true, he is too old now, but where are you going to find a spouse though? It's not easy to find a spouse in such a short time of time, especially without them using your family reputation," Balam asked his old companion. "*Sigh* I also don't know how to do this, but anyway, I don't want to think too much of it," Kalego said, trying not to think of trying to find a spouse off his mind.

"Don't worry, Kalego, you will find someone who will love you just the way you are," Balam whispered to himself. "Did you say something?" Kalego asked his old companion as if he heard something. "What do you mean? I didn't say anything; it must be your imagination anyway. I need to go now; it's already time for my next class," Balam denied to his old companion while he was walking out of the teachers' lounge. "Now it's time to finish this thing," Kalego said to himself.

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