Girl Meets Tension Pt 3: Aftermath and Delusions

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Farkle ended up surprisingly only getting detention for two weeks with Flynn since people were called in to talk about the situation. Mateo and Sofia found out about the siutation because the school ended up calling my dad but he was at work so they called Mateo instead. Unfortunately Mateo came down to the school and found out that Flynn had kissed me and that him and Farkle ended up fighting. Mateo almost went to fight Flynn himself but I stopped before he could even think of running off. Farkle ended up telling them what Maya said about me kissing Flynn which shocked them since Flynn openly admitted to kissing me but I couldn't care less if I was being honest. But Maya better stay out of my face because she acting delusional over Flynn and i'm done sparing people so she need to stay away from me. I just know this shit is not over and it's only going to get worse from here.


"Really Farkle? Fighting in school? What will your mother say?" I snorted softly at my dad trying to lecture me. Right now I was in the pricipal's office with my dad, Flynn, and Josh. My dad was putting on a show for the principal, acting like he was scolding me but I knew he was actually happy that I finally got Flynn for what he did.

"I expected better from you Farkle, you're lucky I'm only deciding to giving you two weeks of detention and not suspending you for fighting on school grounds." I held back rolling my eyes, there were many fights in school and some people got away with it multiple times.

"Don't worry I will have a conversation with him when we get home." I smiled softly and coughed to cover my laugh. I got up and walked out with my dad and once we were far enough, he started laughing.

"Good job son, never thought you had it in you." I chuckled

"Dad you know I don't play when it comes to Aviana. And plus, he had it coming." "You're lucky your mom didn't answer the phone, you know how much she loves Aviana. She would've probably made matters worse." I nodded in agreement, my mom really does love Aviana. They get along really well, Avi has even told her that she sees her like a mother figure.

"Aviana told me to let you know that she's going by her house to get some stuff and that she will meet us back home." I nodded


"Wait so Farkle fought Flynn and won? Wow never knew he had it like that." I snorted at Sofia's comment.

"Why didn't you just tell us Hermana pequeña?" Mateo asked
(Little sister)

"Because there was already a whole bunch of other stuff going on, I just needed get away and plus I wanted to spend some alone time with Farkle and his parents." I said shrugged packing some stuff to go over Farkle's house.

"But you could've still told us and it's bad enough that Maya really believes that you would kiss Flynn when you're practically married to Farkle." Sofia said making me and Mateo laugh.

"It's whatever but she better not start with me because I will be the next one to get into a fight. I've been sparing a lot of people but I'm not doing that anymore." I said

"People keep playing in my face, thinking I won't do anything because I decided to be nice and not start problems but that ends today." Sofia looked at me for a second.

"Why do I feel like that was shade towards me?" I shrugged

"Take it however you'd like if you feel hit." I said

"Is this about before? You never said why you were mad at me." Mateo groaned.

"Sofia..." " No Teo, it's fine if she wants to know." I told him

"You were trying to act like you were my mother, you're not my mother. You're my sister, there are lanes to things and you were crossing it. When I needed you to step in, neither you or Mateo were there. Now granted, neither of you knew what was going on yes but you still weren't there. So now that dad is in our lives, you want to start acting like this when it's truly not needed. It's too late for you to start to step into that role. It's not slick shade, it's just the truth and I don't hold any animosity towards either of you. Just play your role correctly, that's all I'm saying." I said finishing packing.

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