Girl Meets Getaway Pt.2

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"CODE RED! CODE FUCKING RED!!" We all looked over at Sofia confused, we were all chilling in the living room together while watching TV.

"What's going on babe?" Josh asked getting up.

"Mateo is on his way here with Lucas, Smackle, and Fiona." Farkle and I looked at each other at the sound of his older sister's name.

"I mean I don't mind that they're coming up here but why?" Flynn asked what we were all thinking.

"Because Riley is a pyscho bitch, no offense to you two." She said to Josh and Flynn who just waved her off, not caring because they knew damn well it's true.

"We already knew she was pyscho but what does that have to do with the others coming up here?" Maya asked

"Because she called up Minkus and made some sob story about how much she misses Aviana and Maya but luckily, he saw right through it. So he called papa and Mateo and suggested that they should come up here with Smackle and Fiona. Riley is also on her way but we're going to make sure that this shit doesn't go the way she wants it to." Sofia said, Maya and I looked at each other before sharing a scary smirk.

"Oh no." Farkle and Flynn said in unison, making us laugh.

"Riley really thought she was going to ruin my time with Flynn, she has another thing coming." We grinned at Flynn's red face and he wrapped his arms around Maya, it seems like they already closer than they were before we left.


I smiled as I sat in the car that Farkle's dad sent over for me, I can't wait to see the look on their faces once they see me at the door. They will regret not inviting me, I mean I deserve to be there and maybe Flynn will see that he shouldn't be with Maya. I still can't believe that Maya's life is better than mine, she was the one with the family issues but all of that changed once Aviana's father decided to adopt her and she completely forgot about me! I was here when no one was, I didn't have to be her friend but I decided to be nice and give her someone so she wasn't alone. She would've still be following me like the dog she is if Aviana never moved her. But I will not blame Aviana because one, she's so nice and two, she scares me so I wouldn't want to be on her bad side.

If only I knew how protective she is of Maya....

Mateo and the others had arrived about an hour ago and I could tell that drive changed some things. Lucas and Smackle seemed to be talking to each other a lot, and Mateo confirmed it by telling us that Lucas Friar was flirting with Isadora Smackle. But I never thought I would see the day that Mateo Diaz crushing on someone, the man was literally following Fiona all over the place like a lost puppy.

"Looks like Mateo has a thing for you Fiona..." I said with a smirk, making Fiona blushes. Lucas and Smackle are inside, still talking to each other, we let them be becasue I could tell that Lucas was bringing that side of Smackle that she only lets me see. The rest of us girls are on the porch while the boys are in the lake behind the house.

"Shut up... I don't know, we just clicked and we have been hanging out." We all looked at her shocked.

"WHAT!?" we exclaimed while she was confused by our reaction.

"He didn't tell us about that!" Maya shouted

"Oh... I thought you guys knew." "We'll kill him later but so does this mean that you like him?" Sofia asked her

"Y-yea I do, but I wanna take things slow before jumping right into a relationship." We nodded, understanding her reasoning.

"Can I sit with you guys?" We looked over to see Smackle standing by the door. We smiled at her and Maya patted the spot next to her.

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