Truth of the Past

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Previously in Rescue Princess:

Our hero Star has been seeing things that are familiar to her. But when both Whirl and her fall Star finds her self looking like a human. In this chapter you will see the history of Star's past. FYI Star and Whirl are both still unconscious.

Star's past "Narrated by the author"

Long before time had a name in the heart of all universes lived a king and a queen who's love for each other united both dragons and phoenixes alike after years of continues war. It's said when they first kissed after the married they formed the first solar and lunar eclipse. The son of the leader of the phoenixes became the sun and the daughter of the leaders of the dragon became on with the moon. Their marriage wasn't arranged by the leads but they instead fell in love by them selves. As a gift from the universes was what was once a battlefield was now the first kingdom in the heart of the universes and the heart of the neighboring kingdoms which also exist  in the heart of the universes the battlefield was now an extraordinary kingdom called 'The Day and Night Kingdome'. As a gift from both families the most valuable stone was created the Day and Night Stone which is held in the palace vault. A year later the queen found herself pregnant with a child 9 months later she gave birth to their first born a healthy baby girl. The King left his wife in the hands of her friends and family while he took the baby to the nursery so the child and his wife could rest conformable. As he approached the newborn's crib to lay her down a care take came to him and said your wife needs you at once. once the king had put the baby in her crib her took of with the care taker. The baby's room was quiet and peaceful when out of the darkest shadows of night a girl who went by the name Darkness emerged. She than used her dark powers killed the child without leaving evidence she was killed by hand. Right after darkness left the kingdom the stars of the night created a constellation that looked like the outlining of a girl who was ment for more. With no time to spare the stars burned brighter than bright filling the dead child with life giving the girl another chance to live now that the stars had given to them a hero with the heart of night. Moments later the king and queen walked into their daughters room. The queen gracefully picked up her daughter and cradled her in her arms. Her eyes opened and she started giggling as the stars started glowing brighter than before. "Hello my little girl." the queen whispered as the king wrapped his arm around his wife and smiled at his daughter. "What should we call her." the king said looking to his wife. "S-star*giggle*" the princess giggled the king and queen where shocked her first words where star. "Well welcome home Star." the royals said in sync.


Star's POV

After my flash back my optics shot opened and as I sat up I noticed Whirl and I were still in hero hall. 'I wounder how long I was out?' I thought as I stood up and brushed myself off and walked over to Whirl. "Whirl. Whirl. WAKE UP WHIRL!!!" I said she started to steir awake when she got up she asked what had happened I giggled and replied "That's a story for another time right now we have to go to class." as we waled to class.


After our or I should say after my last class I asked Heatwave if I could go for a run and it was mentor hour and since I don't have a mentor I figured why not explore the wood behind the academy. Heatwave said "yes." and soon after I got my answer I ran out of the academy. I ran to the forest and started singing 'Never Let Go by Girl Pow-R':

As I ran I started to feel light as a feather a long was in my path so I jumped over it. When I looked back at the log I noticed that I was floating I started freaking out the next thing I know I'm falling into the river. After I fell I ran back to the academy for a recharge. Without thinking I went to my room and activated my hologram in my stasis pod. I activated my hover stairs and walked up and did my evening routine and than went to bed.

Rescue PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora