Out of Control

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Star's POV Continued

Today when I returned from my melt down about not being able to transform. My teachers told me that they have know idea what happed, so I just went to the lounge and waited for everyone to go into stasis and then snuck into my room.  As I approached my door I noticed it was bare so I decided that tomorrow I would go online shopping with Whirl. When my door opened I activated my hover stairs to my secrete loft (bedroom) hidden in my room. Before I walked over to my stasis bed I brushed my metallic teeth and brushed my cyber fur. When I was done I danced to my bed and with grace I pulled my stasis blanket to where my body was covered and fell into stasis. 


My alarm went crazy I was so tired that I wanted to stay in stasis a little longer because I didn't want my classmates asking questions left and right. As I stretched my arms out with a yawn my legs swung over the side of my bed. With my optics squinted as I adjusted to the light, I gracefully slid out of bed, as my peds hit the floor a clink sound was made. I stood up and tiredly walked over to my sink to brush my fangs. When I was done I splashed my face with water and froze at my reflection. I looked like a human in my reflection but really I was a robot. (PIC BELOW)

 'What's happening to me

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 'What's happening to me.' I thought as I dried my face. When I was done with my morning routine I quickly and swiftly ran t o the lounge. When I got to the lounge I sat on the sofa and picked up my story tablet and resumed the story I was reading about the Predicon Princess this part read "According to ancient scribes they had once said "The one born of night , by a constellation's might when the stars collide the power she wills will flourish like an aurora. Her compassion so grate she cared for all life. During her rein Scarplets wouldn't dare eat anything living but only scraps of meatal given to them by the Queen herself. Years after the Predicons went extinct she vanished and Cybertron fell into chaos."  'Chaos' I repeated in my head. Whirl was just waking up and I immediately closed my tablet and waited for her to start up her morning conversation. "Hey Star do you want to do a morning workout??" Whirl said sounding unsure. I stood up and looked her in the optics and said "I'd love to Whirl a body that's active is a body that can do anything." when I finished talking Whirl's face was priceless. "To the Sim room." Whirl said quietly as the boys slept. When silently ran to the sim room without making much noise. We started our workout with stretches and a sim mission.  During the sim mission Whirl got hit by falling debris I than froze and for some reason I started falling the two of us hit the floor with a bang. My chassis started to hurt. I tried to remain awake but I passed out. When I opened my eyes I was no longer in the sim room instead I was in space and I was human I than passed out again.



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