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The cameras flash and cheers resonate in the venue as Kim Taehyung, the lead actor of latest K-Drama 'Scenery' steps out of his car. He was clearly a rising star and already made a place in the audiences' hearts, by appearing as supporting actor in some popular dramas. 'Scenery' was his first drama as a lead actor he worked really hard for it. And his work touched people's hearts clearly.

Currently, he was invited at the premiere of the movie starring his really good and only friend in the industry, Park Seojoon. 
Taehyung walks to the photo wall as numerous cameras now point at him. He poses with a finger heart and smiles in front of the blinding lights.

"Taehyung-shi it's really nice to have you here. First of all congratulations on the success of Scenery, it was an amazing drama" The reporter near the photo wall says.

"Thank you. Thank you for saying that" Taehyung politely bows and smiles. It hasn't been very long since he has been introduced to this fame world. He has grown up with his grandma and always lead a normal life before getting his first role. One can clearly see his innocence and down to earth nature through his eyes.

"So are you working on any new project recently?"

"Uh... I mean yes..." He replies with a shy smile. (Imagine his Tata mic face here)

"Ooooh so would you like to tell your fans about it a bit?" The reporter coos at him.

"Yeah... " He clears his throat. "It's gonna be different and I will not be just acting. There's more. That's all I would say" He nods, internally praising himself for giving a good answer. The fans and paparazzi go "Ooooh" as they hear it. They already think of the next headlines for the upcoming days.

"Wow... well all the best! it was nice talking to you Taehyung-shi... we hope to see more from you"

"Thank you" And then he leaves to the movie hall for the premiere.


After the movie got over, Taehyung stayed for the after party where many delegates from the movie to the music industry were present. 

"Taehyung-ah" He sees Seojoon walk towards him with a glass of champagne in his hands. He hugs him warmly and congratulates him for the movie.

"You like it here?" Seojoon asks. They both met while shooting an advertisement for a brand and since then Seojoon treats Taehyung like a little brother.

"Yeah... I mean to be honest you also know I am not a big fan of parties" Taehyung says quietly as he declines the drink the waiter was serving to him.

"Oh come on... " Seojoon laughs a bit then says, "By the way you said wanted to meet some producers and singers right? You can talk to some here" Seojoon waves his hand around the room full of many known people from music industry.

Taehyung was about to reply but a melodious voice makes him stop. The song 'Still with you' featuring in the same movie starts playing in the background. The singer of the song, Jeon Jeongguk or JK was considered the 'Golden Voice of Korea' and like every other resident of Korea, Taehyung also loved his songs. He really appreciated his talent and respected the way he was a big name at such a young age. He always thought if he could meet him in person one day- wait-

Something strikes him and he immediately starts to walk but Seojoon being confused by the lack of response, takes his hand and stops him.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I- I think I know whom to ask for help in making a song" Taehyung turns around and says. 

"Who- Taehyung?" Before Seojoon could ask Taehyung leaves his hand and gets disappeared in the crowd. He just shakes his head and mumbles, "Aish...I can never understand this kid" 

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