. what will he decide. X/?

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Dyslexia moments...

1st POV; Blue + 3rd POV

Blue woke up in a bed. Heavy red eye bangs because of the crying. Someone took care of him too...
Clean bed. Clean clothes. Tea next to his night drawer. Tea with netherwarts. Oh.

Yellow took care of Blue. Who else would do the tea? Others? They don't know Blue's secret recipe.

He sat up with pain and dizziness. He took the tea and took multiple sips. The pain faded slowly but surely.
Well, not entirely but it hurt a lot less and he could breathe, swallow like a normal stickfigure.

He blushed at the thought of getting cared of from Yellow. He even chuckled like a little girl with a school crush.
Honestly it was pretty adorable.
He felt a little joy in his heart after the pain.. Finally some peace. Slight pain but that's it.

Blue just smiled when he didn't feel any pain. His eyes were heavy from the tears, sobbing... but he shrugged it off and took sips from the tea.
The tea wasn't that hot but it wasn't that cold, which means Yellow made it not so time ago.

Blue wanted to see Yellow. He sat up to the edge well... he started to cough a bit too much. So he decided just to stay in bed.
He leaned to the bed, under blankets. Warm blanket, comforting..

' This feels nice... '
Blue thought with a warm smile on his face.
He felt some butterflies in his stomach since he couldn't stop at the thought of Yellow taking care of him when he was unconscious.
He thought it was cute - which was.

Blue put his cup of tea to the nightstand, almost drank it entirely since his body needed some water.
He lay down and felt his eyes being heavy. He hugged a pillow tightly and began to sleep.

He slept like a pup after playing with it for 5 hours.

He was adorable.
His dream was peaceful too. Calm.. peace.. no pain, no nightmares.
It was too good to be true. He couldn't get cured out of nowhere, right?
Someone found out about his condition and cured him, perhaps?

1st POV; Yellow + 3rd POV

"After I put the food to the fridge. I scretch because of the work I did for Blue. I like that boy so much. I wouldn't stay if anything bad happened to him.
I'd cry for him. I love that boy so much.

Forget my words... they don't have sense.. I should focus on Blue instead..
I come to his part of the computer and he's nowhere. I look around to see if he's anywhere but I can't find him. So I go to the bathroom part and..
I see Blue on the ground unconscious. Blood almost anywhere...
I quickly run to him and try to see if he's breathing. He is. Luckily.

I get him the help he needs. Change his clothes. Clean his lips..
Yeah.. lips.. they look so soft- nevermind.
Thuck him into bed. And then i decide to make him a wonderful tea. For now... I'm keeping it for a secret about Blue being in that state. I don't want to stress others. But if it will happen again, I'm definitely telling them.
I make fruit tea with netherwarts. He wouldn't like it that much without it. And it might.. warm his heart.

I come to the room and see him sleeping there... beautifully and peacfully. It warmed my heart seeing him like that.
I love that sight. I hope he doesn't feel any pain, though...
I put the tea next to him. I can't help but.. stare at his face for some seconds and then catch myself blushing. I immediately stop.
I take deep breaths.
And then leave.
End of Yellow's FLASHBACK.

After an hour,
Yellow got into Blue's room again seeing him sleep. He looked over the night drawer and saw the half full cup.

He smiled when Blue actually got up and drank some tea. He patted Blue's back and hesitated about... nevermind.

He left and prepared another tea. The more, the better, right? As long it's filled with love then it's okay, or not?

He setted the water. Took the little fruit tea bag and put it into cup.
Yellow's favourite cup. He didn't mind of Blue using it.

The tea took around 3-5 minutes.

He took the cup with a rag so he wouldn't burn himself by an accident and got to the room and his eyes notice...

"Blue, you're up? Did you sleep well?"
He asks him with a smile as he came closer.

"H- Huh? oh, yeah... thank you"
Blue just blushed and smiled.

The smile made Yellow's heart pace up. He loved Blue's smile. He smiled back and put the cup on the night drawer carefully.

"Thank you.."
Blue mumbled.

"Huh? What was that?"
Yellow raised an eyebrow

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"Oh! That.. don't thank, it's no need, I'll always help my best friend!"
Yellow smiled and patted Blue's head.

"Yeah.. if you say so."
He smiled a little back too.

"Is there anything you want me to do?"
He asked Blue with the same smile. Hoping he could do anything for his best friend.

"Actually, when you mention it..."

He tilted his head happily.

"You could.. well... sit next to as I lean my head on your shoulder?"

That. That sentence. Made Yellow blush and he felt flattered too.

"S- sure! Anything for you."
Yellow said as his blush didn't fade. He sat next to Blue and got under the blankets too.

Blue put his head in Yellow's shoulder, he leaned even closer and well...
from a small thing.. it became a cuddle.

Yellow didn't even realise that he was cuddling back with Blue-
Did he mind?
Of course not.

The blanket on them was warm too. Their bodies were warming eachother. It felt amazing and cosy.
Blue was very touchy today. Well, no wonder after the pain and suffering he felt, right?

Yet, Yellow didn't notice but he wouldn't actually mind. He would only pull him closer. Which would be adorable.

After a while... Both of them dozed off. While cuddling the eachother. Both of them smiling warmly, their hearts pacing.
Both of them had a small blush on their cheeks. Blue only leaned closer and his head "fell" to Yellow's chest. The heartbeat and breathing was calming to him, so he dozed off immediately.
Yellow felt cozy and nice.

What a beautiful moment, isn't it? Those two friends don't know what to do so they cuddle. Cute..

They were even holding hands..

this chapter - wholesome. Angst in the next one. Or it will be romantic? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
funfact! in the previous chapter, there's a hidden message. it's in italic form.
(I wonder if some of you have theories bc I'd LOVE to hear them :3.)

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