An Uchiha baby

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3rd pov

Little Sarada was on her way to the hokages office with shikamaru and temari, she couldn't understand why this happened to her? Why can't her brain think like a 12 year old anymore? Where is her mother? is she okay? she had a lot of questions but now she had a bigger problem. Temari and shikamaru were taking her to Tsunade's office. If she was the hokage then that means her teen mother will be there as well.

They reached the office and saw that teen Sakura was coming out.

Temari: Sakura.. hello we need to see Tsunade-sama we found a baby outside konoha and look she has an interesting Crest on her back

Temari turned baby Sarada so Sakura could see her back. Sakura was shocked she thought someone was playing a prank on her

Sakura: well that's impossible we all know what happened to the Uchiha clan the only survivor is Sasuke and his brother Uchiha Itachi.

Shikamaru: that's why we are here we need to ask Tsunade-sama so we can see if she is really an Uchiha which is impossible. Right?

Temari: well Sasuke isn't the father he was here 3 years ago and she looks like she is what 4?

Sarada was pissed her little brain wasn't working the way she wanted and after she heard about her dad something triggered inside of her.

Sarada: salada papa uhiha Sasuke me lowe papa me lowe mama too I lowe you mama

She said and tried to get to Sakura

Everyone was shocked and confused at the same time how can she be Sasuke's daughter? How does she know Sasuke and was she with him.

Sakura: sweetheart I'm not your mama I think you are confused.


Sarada screams and starts crying, she was sad her mama wasn't recognizing her.

Sakura:okay okay stop crying I'm your mama

Sakura tried to calm the toddler by hugging her. After a few minutes Sakura saw that Sarada was asleep

Temari: let's take her to Tsunade-sama and see what she has to say

They went inside the office and explained to the hokage what happened

Tsunade: so you're trying to tell me that this is an Uchiha baby and she is saying Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha are her parents?

Shikamaru: yes but that is impossible right? All the Uchiha except Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi are dead

Tsunade: yes but I don't think a 3 year old baby will lie and how does she know about Sasuke? Call Yamanaka Inochi right now we need answers.

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