𝗔𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻 (𝗣𝗶𝗲𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗠𝘆 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁)

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Bella smiled as Grace walked into the room. She looked around. "Where's Mark?" She asked as she joined Bella on the bed.

Bella shook her head. "He hasn't stayed since we made up. We haven't had sex either. Part of me is like, this is weird," she told her. She sighed. "I love him. I know I do."

Grace smiled. "I can see how much you both love each other. The way you look at each other is just... there's nothing like it," she said.

"You and Derek. How's it going?" Bella asked as she took a sip of the tequila bottle Grace had handed her. She groaned. "I miss sex. I miss Mark sex."

"It's good. He had a blip where he was flirting with Rose. But he can't resist the temptation that is Grace Nicole Grey."

Bella rolled her eyes but smiled. She looked to her and groaned. "You feeling okay about today? Addison coming back?" She asked.

Grace shrugged and nodded. "I'm fine. I'm not the dewy eyed intern now. I'm a resident. And as a resident, I am mature," she said.

"Yeah. Course you are. Let's get pizza."

"You're on."


Bella was stood outside the hospital. She was waiting for Addison. Grace knew that Bella and Addison had a past. And she wasn't mad at Bella for wanting to continue the friendship with her.

Bella smiled as she saw the red head. Who had coloured her hair. She walked over to her. "Satan is back in Seattle. You look good," she said as she hugged her.

Addison smiled. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not back. I'm here for a case and to save a life," she said.

"Yeah. Course. Whatever," Bella told her as she smiled. She knew she had missed Addison. But she knew Addison was happier in LA. "Have you got any action in LA?"

"You haven't changed one bit. You cut your hair. Long hair suits you," Addison said as she hugged Bella again.

Bella looked up as Bailey walked over. "Welcome back," she said as she hugged her.

Addison smiled. "Uh, I am not back. I am here for a surgery."

"I know. Uh, chart, labs, uh, security key card and key to the doctors' lounge," Bailey handed her everything she needed.

Addison smiled again. She looked to Bella. "Oh, look. They used my old picture. It's like I never left," she said.

Webber walked over. He hugged Addison too. "Addie, you're back," he said as he smiled.

Addison rolled her eyes. She smiled. "I am not back."

"Oh, you're back. You're gonna smell the stink and sweat of surgery, and you're gonna be back," Webber told her.

"See? Nothing ever changes around here."

"Things change. Welcome back," Webber told her as the four of them walked into the hospital.

"I am not back!"


Grace and Derek were talking about their clinical trial. "His karnofsky score is still 80, and his C. B. C. And liver enzymes are good," Grace told her boyfriend.

Now or Never  ➼ Mark SloanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ