Canada: why? What does it have on it?

I gave him the piece of paper receipt.

Canada: Holy fuck.

Ame: i know. Better get to work. How much u wanna bet Russia is going to come over.

Canada: $50 he doesn't.

Ame: $50 he does.

Canada: deal.

Ame: I'm gonna go grab the pastries from the back.

Canada: alright. I'll get the coffees going.

Ame: I'll be back.

Once he got back with the pastries :)

Ame: soo? How's Ukraine?~

Canada: Do you just know everyone's crush or something?

Ame: yea, except Russia. Don't think he likes anyone.

Canada: I'm sure he likes someone. Like maybe. You?~

Ame: I don't think he's gay.

Canada: oh? But you would be fine with it if he was?

Ame: No! Just shut up!

Canada: maybe you do have a crush on him?~

Ame: I don't. Watch out for that coffee.

He almost spilled a coffee.

Canada: So, who DO you like?

Ame: no one yet.

Canada: uh-huh. Sure.

Ame: do you got the coffee's?

Canada: yeah, putting them in the bag.

Ame: alright I got the rest.

I put it in the bag.

Ame: alright, now we can open up.

I walked over to the door and changed the sign to open. As soon as I did that someone came in.

???: Are you guys done my order?

Ame: yep! Here, that will be 32.65

???: Here, thanks!

He ran out the door. Must be in a hurry. Not paying any mind to it, I set up the coffee maker. When I turned around I saw Russia coming in.

Russia: what's up!

Ame: you owe me $50 Canada.

Canada: yeah, whatever.

Russia: what?

Ame: made a bet.

Russia: about me?

Ame: yeah.

Canada: y'all need a room to make out in or..?

Russia started blushing immediately. Me, not taking the bait started yelling at Canada. And Canada was just laughing.

Russia: Ч-Что!? (W-what!?)

Ame: просто не обращай на него внимания, ты хотел кофе или что-то в этом роде? (Just ignore him did you want coffee or something?)

Russia: No, I'm good. Just came to uh v-visit.

Ame: righttt.

I said as crossing my arms.

Russia: w-well I gotta go now!

He left the small shop.

Ame: well now I'm skeptical of if he likes me or not.

The Loud & The Quiet (RUSAME)Where stories live. Discover now