Jimin noticed Soha is getting drenched a little from side. He holds the umbrella with other hand and curls the other arm around her shoulders pulling her inside the umbrella even more as their heart bursts at that.
Soha blushes a little as she looks up, their eyes meet, her eyes were shining with so many feelings mirroring his. Jimin looks away.

" J-Just wanted to make sure you don't get drenched or you will catch cold."

Soha nods as she smiles.

Just then wind blows with force and they loose their umbrella.

" Oh No!!"

Jimin shouts looking at their Umbrella. He noticed Soha is getting drenched as he immediately removes his coat and covers her. Soha smiled as she holds his coat close.

" You have always been there for me Jimin, be it my fashion show Rampwalk  or today. Thank you! "

Her eyes shined as Jimin almost looses himself in them.

" L-Let's hurry up. ."

He holds her shoulders and rushes towards nearby hotel.

He enters inside with her.

" Two rooms. "

" Sorry sir, just one is available. "

He looks at Soha who nods in assurance.

" Umm... Okay we will take it. "

As soon as they enter inside. He gives her the bathrobe and asks her to get changed immediately.
She comes out of the bathroom in a bathrobe as Jimin's breath hitches he tries hard to tear his eyes away from her.
He gets changed into a bathrobe too.
He finds her sitting on the edge of bed lost in her thoughts. He walks towards her with a fresh towel.
Soha looks at him as he avoids her stare and starts drying her hair with the towel instead.
She smiles as she closes her eyes enjoying it.

Jimin orders the coffee for both of them but waiter gets just one.

He brings it for Soha.

" Where is yours?"

" Only one cup was available. Don't worry about me, drink it you will feel better."

He was about to walk away but Soha holds his wrist making him sit beside her.

" We will share."

" No need, I am fine."

" I am not taking your no, you must be exhausted after driving for so long. "

She takes a sip as she extends the cup towards his lips. Jimin sips some holding her hand.
She turns the cup and sips from  where Jimin just sipped  as his eyes widens. She again extends cup towards his lips. They continue to share the coffee without breaking the eye contact.
Soha keeps it aside without breaking eye contact. His eyes travels towards her lips as their breaths accelerated.

He looks into her eyes as his eyes darkened. They stare into each other's eyes as environment around them turns hot. He stares at her lips again as he starts leaning forward. She closes her eyes when their lips meet for a kiss. Soha kisses him as he kisses back. They part on being out of breath but Jimin cups her face and leans in for another kiss but this time he takes the lead as he moves his lips sucking her lips. She moans when he thrusts his tongue inside her mouth, their tongues fight for dominance. She becomes out of breath as she pats his shoulder to stop. He stops breaking the kiss as they breath heavily.

" Oh god! Jimin you want me to die while kissing you. I won't mind though."

She bites her lower lips as Jimin comes back to his senses, he immediately looks away getting flustered.

Soha cups his face and makes him face her.

" Why don't you accept that you still love me Minnie? "

" I- Soha - "

" No! Don't speak! for your lips always lie, let me see the truth which is shining in your eyes...Do you know our eyes are mirror to our soul...and do you know what they are conveying?"

Jimin nods slowly lost in her again.

" They are screaming the truth, the truth that you still love me, feel for me, care for me. "

Jimin's eyes glistens as his heart almost bursts.
She caresses his cheekbones with her thumbs.

" Please don't hide away from me Jimin. I" She takes in a deep breath. " I love you, I love you so much."

Jimin closes his eyes as he holds her hands.

" A-And I know that you love me too so there is no need to hide a-away from me Minie. I saw my letters and roses in your drawer."

Jimin's eyes opens wide as they stare into her glistening ones.

" Y-You saw them?? ."

" Yes! When oppa sent me to get office files. I accidentally discovered them. "

Jimin sighs , there was no point of hiding things now, she knows everything.


Nurse wraps the bandage around Y/N's leg as she speaks.

" Tae! It  started raining. I am so much worried for them. "

" Don't worry Y/N I have already talked to Jimin. they will stay in a hotel tonight and tomorrow morning I will send my car to get them."

Y/N nods as Taehyung caresses her hair.

Taehyung thanks nurse as she takes her leave

" Thank you sister! "

" I will take my leave now sir! "

Taehyung nods as Nurse leaves in ambulance.

" Only if I wouldn't have slipped that day in the bathroom my legs would have been fine "

" You will get well soon darling."

He pecks her forehead.

" Now sleep, they will be fine. Don't worry. "

Taehyung lays her down carefully as he pecks her lips closing the lights.


A/N - Things are going to turn in Jimin and Soha's life from this point.

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now