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For the first time since its erection, Homestead was quiescent. On this day, it was occupied more like the typical homesteads of old when men were off doing what men do, and the womenfolk remained. Casey had her desired aloneness, but it was still not enough. She needed out. CJ kicked up her heels and jogged to Wainfleet's cabin. Knocking on the door, she greeted his missus with a smile. "Kaltxì, Säro."

"Kaltxì, Seezay."

|"I am getting restless here. I was going to take my ikran to the centre of activity and see Qiáo. I don't want to leave you here alone, so...care to come with me?"|

Säro was pleased. |"That is kind of you to offer. Yes, let us go. I will fetch my beadwork."| When she went back to collect the baby collar, the expectant mother lingered for a moment, dwelling on the happy reason for its existence.

CJ walked Säro to the hangers and whistled for Baby's Back, and like a loyal dog, the banshee perched before her master. "You're a sweetheart, aren't you, Baby?" CJ rewarded her mount with a jerky treat, then stroked the saurian brow.

|"She is much more behaved than Ly'il's ikran."|

|"I bet,"| she laughed. The women climbed on and flew for the deeper city.

Inside the hospital lobby, men, waiting in seats, were continually eyeing the two beautiful giantesses standing at the receptionist's desk.

"Casey Jones Zdinarsk. Here to see Zhâng Qiáo."

The receptionist typed in the name, then leaned over to see the other giant present, who was struggling with the unfamiliar breathing apparatus.

"And uh...Bridgette Walker," CJ lied.

The wrong name was typed into the computer, and the two were cleared for the recombinant ward.

|"Thank you for inviting me, Seezay."|

|"Don't mention it. It's nice to have company."|

|"I thought you minded that I was Na'vi?"|

|"Not anymore. I'm realizing your people are a lot more complicated than what I was taught. You know, my job, back on my star, was coalition warfare?"| Säro did not understand the term, so CJ clarified. |"It's when you work with the warriors of another clan—that was my training. I signed up for it because learning about other cultures has always been an interest of mine."|

|"Then why train to fight us?"|

|"It's complicated. Maybe it's a good thing I'm retiring. I don't think I could bring myself to point a machine gun at innocents anymore..."| Casey paused and stood before Säro with a heavy thought. She fished out something from her pocket. |"I received this as an award for helping take back Txintseng Sawtuteyä. I was shot right away, so I actually didn't help or anything. In fact, it was Qiáo who stayed by my side the whole time, compressing my wound. That's how we became friends. Everyone else carried out the mission, and I just lied there—not even a single kill..." she chuffed to herself. "I used to be upset about that..."| Säro was very quiet as CJ thumbed the medal in deliberation. The recom screwed her lips, bobbed her head, then tossed the token into the trash. |"Come on, let's go see Qiáo. He's right in this room."|

The Marine entered delicately as if she caught her comrade in the middle of a light nap. "It's me, Z-Boy," she said, coming over to tap her fingers in his palm. His face was closed, hidden behind the tubes necessary to keep him alive. "Säro?" she asked.

The mother had already sat herself on the floor to begin her beadwork. "Sran?"

|"Would forming the bond really help him?"|

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