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Spider stood on a cliffside high above the lush valley where the mountains eclipsed the brilliant light and cast dancing shadows on the green sheet below. He took in a great amount of air, filtered through his EXO pack and let himself be invigorated by the fragrance of his benevolent homeland. Spider knew her inside and out, respecting her dangers and making peace with her mysteries. He thanked Pandora for all she had to give before braving his descent down the cliff.

Sliding himself along a slim edge, he had the attitude of a mountain goat, as he was always one misstep away from plummeting two thousand feet. Spider leapt for a jutted outcrop, landing on all fours, then shuffled further down the mountainside. He used the lianas growing off the rockface and slid down the ropes till he reached the underside of the floating fortress. Dangling high in the air, the trapeze artist swung on the vines to spring for the next liana, snatching it in his grip and using the momentum to leap for the next.

The king of the jungle would not give fear an audience and carried on, unburdened by its prattling counsel. With Txurseng now behind him, he looked back for one last reflection, then readjusted his pack and carried on his way.

Jake followed Norman all the way to the edge of the sweeping valley where the trees petered out on a slope, and the waters became falls. His ikran landed on a cliff that overlooked the inlet. Numerous cascades poured over different levels into a turquoise lagoon that flowed out into the open sea. Palms shaped like hand fans grew on the shore; their orange trunks, shifting into indigo, sprouted green bouncing fronds that swayed to the singing breeze. Filter-feeding austrapedes stood in the many elevated pools whose placid waters were so clear one could admire their pink opaline basins.

Jake loved the undisturbed pockets of paradise found all over the world. It was hard to believe that hugging the same coastline was the dystopian city of Bridgehead.

Norman eased in to bring the field cabin down, unintentionally startling the wildlife. Once it was grounded, Jake clambered on top to aid in the unlatching process. After, he went over to his banshee and unstrapped a backpack of plastic explosives.

It was time to set up the last trap.

Back at High Camp, Neytiri sat in her tent, looking upon the bow that her son bequeathed her. She felt the slender finish of the wood and admired his talent. Before her, was a screen that displayed the interior of one link shack. Every so often, her eyes left the bow to check the disappointingly empty scene.

The Wasp transporting Quaritch glided under the rock arches that were numerous across the Hallelujah Mountain range. Quaritch conveyed to the pilot directions to their destination, whereas Wainfleet flew alongside the gunship, actively searching the area for predators. One ikran that dared to go after the pilot was quickly deterred by the sniper's excellent aim.

Lyle moved towards the Wasp, where his commander was leaning out, and banked away to flaunt his ride. The show-off pressed his throat mic. "Jealous?"

The ikran-less officer gave the upstart the finger and, with a grumble, resumed his humble sightseeing; he was not happy about the idea of having to make a second Iknimaya if Gloria was going to insist on being AWOL.

Spider fell through the understorey, sliding off gigantic fronds and letting their sleek, oversized vegetation slow his descent. With his jungle savvy, he made the drop without sustaining any damage and plopped safely onto a soft carpet of moss. His dreadlocks had stolen a few twigs, which he decided to leave for camouflage, finishing the ensemble by smearing more earth over his body. He winced slightly while getting dressed, but the cooling properties of the mud also soothed his chafed skin.

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