The Duties of Olo'eyktan

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When Jake found himself in charge of the Omatikaya, he didn't think he was leader material, but the role of Toruk Makto was not something he could abdicate from. As a living legend, especially one who was changed by their ways, he represented so much to the Omatikaya; naturally, they wanted him as their leader. Though it was seldom easy, the Marine stepped up to the challenge and organically developed a deep respect for the role as well as the duties expected of him, and these duties are as follows: provide game for the clan, train young new warriors, oversee ceremonies, care for the injured, hear complaints and settle conflicts.

Jake woke up, rolled over, and remembered his wife was still out. It wasn't his normal, but Jake carried on to begin his day as an olo'eyktan should. His first order of business was the morning washing routine, so he made for the trickling waterfalls where men cleaned themselves and bid his brothers good morning. He washed his cornrows and redid the braid of his queue exactly like his mate first taught him. Properly maintaining the tswin was of serious importance to the Na'vi, for it was the sheath that protected their neural whips from damage.

Äi'ut limped into the washing hollow; the warrior was still in convalescence but making good progress. The Omatikaya believe strongly in showing sympathy towards the sick and weak, and it was expected of the olo'eyktan to lead by example, so Jake assisted him to a seat and offered to braid his tswin. However, after several unintentional head pulls, Äi'ut had to politely tell his leader it was okay to stop. Swallowing his embarrassment, Jake respected his wishes and finished his toilette.

Once properly dressed in his regalia, Zayksuli of the Omatikaya strutted down High Camp, ready to take on the day. High on his agenda was to visit Sawnee and check in on her recovery. Outside the tent of the shield maiden, he greeted her mate.

|"Rider of Last Shadow, I see you."|

|"I see you, Kilvan. How is your mate?"|

Kilvan smiled. |"She passed through the worst of it. Her breathing is strong, and she speaks steadily. Her womb has not given up on the baby as was feared."|

|"That is very good news. I won't disturb her then."|

|"Thank you. And my thanks to your daughter for helping her. My mate improved significantly since she last visited."|

|"She is away for a few days, but I will tell her when she returns."|

After voicing more gratitude, Kilvan returned to his tent, and Jake continued on his way. He was stopped by several stern Na'vi elders who were eager to speak with him; one named Lezarana spoke on behalf of the others.

|"Olo'eyktan, we are deeply troubled by Äi'ut's testimony,"|

|"As am I," | Jake replied. |"Talk of it upsets me greatly."|

|"Your ward was very familiar with our camp. His defecting to the enemy means our location is compromised. Many of us feel, myself included, that we need to leave."|

|"Spider did not defect to the enemy. We know from Äi'ut's testimony he was taken against his will."|

|"But he helped the Chief of Demons."|

|"What Äi'ut witnessed was through burning eyes. He has a right to be angry, but nobody, including himself, could know Spider's true motives for doing what he did."|

|"Olo'eyktan, I feel you are not treating this with the seriousness it deserves. We risk our whole clan's safety if we assume the Skychild does not speak. With time, he may come to talk. What then?"|

|"No spot is safer for our numbers than here. To leave is to expose ourselves. It is wiser to hold our ground and rely on the strength of our walls. Do not forget—it's not easy for the Skypeople to fly their machines around here."|

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