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Kiri sat next to Sawnee inside a tent. A CPAP machine was placed next to the critically injured patient, where it delivered, via a mask, a steady air supply. The mate, Kilvan, knelt close with his clasped hands hovering over the womb as he murmured petitions to Eywa that both would live.

The Pandoran Nightingale routinely refreshed the cold compress, kept the incense bowl lit and replaced old bandages. She also mouthed the words to a chant Mo'at had taught her, trusting that she didn't need a voice for the supplications to be heard.

Part of Kiri's training meant seeing to the sick and injured, just as her grandmother and father would routinely do. She was already equipped to handle diseases, thanks to her advanced knowledge of botany, but she was invaluable when it came to emergency trauma. After a bullet almost killed her father several years ago, Kiri taught herself how to treat gunshot wounds. They were some of the most difficult for the Na'vi to heal, and because of this, Kiri was often called upon like a paramedic.

When Sawnee was brought to her at death's door a few days ago, Kiri fought tirelessly to bring her back. Today, the young healer was checking in on her recovery, and her timing couldn't have been better, for Sawnee's mate was about to seek help after his wife's breathing became laboured. Due to Kiri's attentiveness, Sawnee was once again brought out of the danger zone and into calm waters, renewing her family with hope when her bandaged chest rose and fell like the steady tide.

Having been of service, Kiri bid farewell. Kilvan bowed his head in thanks, but she signed there was no need to thank her as she was only carrying out her duty. Upon leaving the home, the attendant of Eywa heard a great commotion coming from the entrance and ran ahead to see what was happening. Past the disturbed throng, Kiri spotted her father carrying a bleeding man and identified the pierced ears of Äi'ut.

"Where's Kiri?" Jake cried.

The girl in question ran up to her father, who, with a nudge of his head, directed her to follow him into the avatar clinic, where he then laid the dying Na'vi onto a gurney. Jake placed Äi'ut in the recovery position by rolling him onto his side and bending one leg towards the stomach to support the body. Kiri applied gauze to the wound and assessed he was suffering from pneumothorax. On her call, a mask was strapped to his face to administer oxygen as she ran for where the chest seals were kept. She prepared four of them to apply to the entry and exit wounds, all the while keeping an eye on his vitals.

During the procedure, Max came in hoping to tell Jake what happened, but when he saw the urgency, he forgot all about the event and scrambled to help.

Cramped, under-equipped and over-crowded—Äi'ut was eventually, and miraculously, brought into stable condition owing to the non-stop efforts of a dedicated handful. Both blue and white shoulders relaxed, or hands were clasped, as relief and congratulations were shared, but one quarantined himself from the mood by remaining near the cot of the still unconscious man. His dour gaze lingered on the face now covered by a breathing apparatus, and the olo'eyktan thought about how, only a few years prior, he had led the boy up the hallelujah mountains for his Iknimaya. His palm drifted onto his daughter's shoulder. "Irayo, Kiri."

The lines on his face said it all, and the mute girl replied with a bow of her head.

Neytiri entered in distress upon hearing the tragedy that befell her rescue party. "How is he?" she urged.

Jake didn't look up as Max answered, "We've done all we can for now."

"What has happened?"

"You tell me," Jake growled, and it wasn't just Neytiri who was taken aback.


"You set off the bombs when I told you not to! Spider could be dead!"

Kiri immediately bleated, only to be ignored by her parents, who were too focused on other things.

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