The Nightly Double

Start from the beginning

I was about to speak up but someone else did before I got the chance.

"She's here with us, now back off." Two said. Behind him stood Johnny, Pony, and Dally.

"What're you doing here with these greasers?" He shot like venom.

"I'm a greaser to dickhead."

"With the money your parents got? I don't think so." He said.

I tried to act confused. "What are you even talking about? Who are you?"

"They names Randy honey."

I grabbed the cokes off the tray and started handing them to the gang.

"Well, Randy, we're leaving." I said as I walked off. The boys soon followed.

"Kylie are you okay?" Johnny asked.

"What the hell was that about?" Two said.

"That stupid guy over there's been hitting on me. And not in a good way either, I mean he grabbed my ass and my boobs in the middle of class. Who does that!?" I whisper shouted while we finally sat down in our seats.

They all looked pretty pissed off. Maybe I shouldn't have told them that.

"Look guys it's alright, y'all heard what I did to him. Now you know why." I told them.

"He deserves a lot more than one kick to the crotch." Pony whispered.

"Not that i'm not great full, but why did y'all come over in the first place?" I asked.

"We'll you were takin to long so we went over there to see what was going on. That's when we saw Randy's hands around you." Pony said.

I sighed. "Yea. Thank you guys for coming to my rescue. Again." I said while laughing.

They just smiled then went back to watching the movie, except for Dally he just looked like something was bothering him.


We were all walking back to the Curtis's house after the movie ended. Pony and Two were playing tag while Johnny, Dal and I stood back watching.

"Hey Ky?" Johnny said.

"What's up Johnny?"

"You never really told us where you were from."

"Oh, well i'm from Denver. A small part though."

He just nodded.

"Sorry it's just I don't really know much up there." Johnny told me.

I laughed. "It's alright. I mean the place was cool. I think I like it up here better though."

"Really?" Dally asked surprised, "This filthy place?"

I just shrugged and smiled.

I mean it's true. I didn't really have any friends in Denver. I was forced to come home most nights, and if I wasn't at home or school I was working. Since my parents are making enough money now though I don't have to work now.

We soon arrived at the house.

"You coming in kylie?" Pony asked.

"Yea, we're probably going to stay here for a few more hours." Two-bit said.

"Yea why not." I said.

"Your parents don't mind?" Pony asked as we walked through the door.

"There not home this weekend."

"Who's not home this weekend?" Darry said.

"Kylie's parents."

"There away for work, there coming home tomorrow night though." I reassured.

"Okay, but if it gets too late your welcome to crash here for the night." He told me.

"Thank you" I smiled

We all sat down on the couch's while two brought around beers.

"You want one Kylie?"

"Only if y'all have enough" I said, and he handed me one.

Dally looks over at me and smirks.

"Something funny." I say as I take a sip of the beer.

"Just never pictured you as a drinker doll."

I just laughed and took another sip while rolling my eyes.

We were all sitting around the living room talking when Soda asked me a question,

"You got any siblings Kylie?"

"No, just me and my parents."

"Must get pretty boring, you ever had a boyfriend?" Steve asked.

My face dropped at the question. Soda elbowed him in the ribs.

"What it's just a- sorry kylie."

"No it's alright. I had one back in Denver, he was a real jerk though." I told them.

It got awkward real fast.

"So... enough about me what about you guys," I said shoving them playfully, "any lady's."

"Sodas got one." Steve shouted.

Soda was blushing, "Yea, her names Sandy she's real sweet i'm sure y'all would get along just fine."

"Awe, well i'd love to meet her one day." I told him. He smiled at me.

We all just talked about random stuff for the next few hours. Then we started watching tv and just relaxing. Pony and Soda went back to their rooms and Johnny fell asleep on the small couch a while ago. I honestly didn't even know if anyone else was awake. Steve was on my one side and Dally on my other.

I was getting kinda sleepy, my eyes kept drifting on and off. Then I felt my head land on something next to me, I didn't even register what it was. I was so tired I just sank into it even more finally letting myself fall asleep.

Secrets- Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now